Our Nipa Hut: A Story in the Philippines | 誠品線上

Our Nipa Hut: A Story in the Philippines

作者 Rachell Abalos
出版社 Barefoot Books USA
商品描述 Our Nipa Hut: A Story in the Philippines:YelenaandPapatakecareoftheirtraditionalFilipinodwelling–theirnipahut–andittakescareofthem.:誠品以「人文、藝術、創意


內容簡介 《我們的尼帕小屋》一個發生在菲律賓的故事小女孩和爸爸悉心照料著他們的尼帕小屋——那是一種傳統的菲律賓小木屋,用一種棕櫚葉和竹子及其他當地材料搭建而成。尼帕小屋就像他們的家人。但是,一場熱帶風暴即將侵襲菲律賓,他們是否能平安抵禦風暴侵襲?這個關於菲律賓文化與生活的故事,出自作者Rachell Abalos 在菲律賓的童年回憶,由薩爾瓦多裔插畫家Gabriela Larios運用豐富的色彩描繪,突顯這個故事的熱帶風土人情。看人類如何與環境及自然共生,維持合宜的生活方式。Yelena and Papa take care of their traditional Filipino dwelling – their nipa hut – and it takes care of them. But when a tropical storm roars towards the Philippines, their preparation will be put to the test. Gripping narrative will keep young readers glued to the pages as Yelena, Papa and the nipa hut work together as a family to withstand the storm.


作者介紹 Rachell AbalosWritten by - Rachell AbalosRachell Abalos remembers her childhood in the Philippines, taking naps, eating ice buko, and smelling the fish frying outside her grandmother's house. She currently lives in Southern California, USA, with her husband and two kids, where she writes stories about her Filipino culture. Our Nipa Hut is her debut picture book.Gabriela LariosIllustrated by - Gabriela LariosGabriela Larios grew up in El Salvador, surrounded by volcanoes, Mexican ceramics and tropical flowers grown by her mother, a floral designer. In 2007, thanks to an EU scholarship, she received her Masters from Camberwell College of Arts in London, UK, where she has been living ever since with her family. Gabriela approaches every project as a new adventure and draws inspiration for her work both from El Salvador and England.


書名 / Our Nipa Hut: A Story in the Philippines
作者 / Rachell Abalos
簡介 / Our Nipa Hut: A Story in the Philippines:YelenaandPapatakecareoftheirtraditionalFilipinodwelling–theirnipahut–andittakescareofthem.:誠品以「人文、藝術、創意
出版社 / Barefoot Books USA
ISBN13 / 9781646865017
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781646865017
誠品26碼 / 2682551614004
頁數 / 32
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.3 x 0.76 x 26.4 CM
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


最佳賣點 : Yelena and Papa take care of their traditional Filipino dwelling – their nipa hut – and it takes care of them.
