The Secret History of the Mongols | 誠品線上

The Secret History of the Mongols

作者 Christopher P. Atwood
商品描述 The Secret History of the Mongols:,Bornapoornomadinanunforgivingworld,Chinggis(orGenghis)Khan’sMongolarmiestransformedthethirteenthcentury,ultimatelyrulingan


內容簡介 Born a poor nomad in an unforgiving world, Chinggis (or Genghis) Khan’s Mongol armies transformed the thirteenth century, ultimately ruling an empire that would stretch from Korea to Crimea and Syria to Siberia. Much of what we know about Chinggis comes from the horrified comments of foreign chroniclers, but there is one exceptional and authentic source: The Secret History of the Mongols, written after Chinggis’s death to be read exclusively by the Mongolian imperial family (hence ’secret’ to all other readers). This new translation gives an unparalleled insight into one of the transformative moments in world history and a society where unchecked swagger, menace, and ambition lay side by side with unexpected tenderness and vulnerability. Based around kinship, horses, yurts, weapons and immense spaces, The Secret History is a sometimes opaque and mysterious saga that brings the reader face to face with nomad warlords and their ladies impelled by Heaven’s uncanny destiny. This remarkable new translation does full justice to the earliest surviving work written in Mongolian.


作者介紹 Christopher P. AtwoodChristopher P. Atwood teaches Mongolian history and civilization at the University of Pennsylvania. He received his doctorate from Indiana University. He has traveled extensively in independent Mongolia and Inner Mongolia. Atwood’s previous books include The Rise of the Mongols: Five Chinese Sources and the Encyclopedia of Mongolia and the Mongol Empire.


書名 / The Secret History of the Mongols
作者 / Christopher P. Atwood
簡介 / The Secret History of the Mongols:,Bornapoornomadinanunforgivingworld,Chinggis(orGenghis)Khan’sMongolarmiestransformedthethirteenthcentury,ultimatelyrulingan
ISBN13 / 9780241197912
ISBN10 / 0241197910
EAN / 9780241197912
誠品26碼 / 2682342231007
頁數 / 432
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9X3.5CM
級別 / N:無
