Its OK to Be Angry About Capitalism | 誠品線上

Its OK to Be Angry About Capitalism

作者 Bernie Sanders
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 Its OK to Be Angry About Capitalism:【美國史上任期最久的無黨籍參議員伯尼.桑德斯重磅新作】✰紐時暢榜書控訴經濟不平等。美國史上任期最長無黨派國會議員桑德斯控訴


內容簡介 美國史上任期最久的無黨籍參議員伯尼‧桑德斯重磅新作✰ 紐時暢榜書控訴經濟不平等美國史上任期最長無黨派國會議員桑德斯控訴不受約束的資本主義導致收入和財富嚴重不平等,危害美國民主禍及全球,並闡明美國經濟和政治須從根本上大刀闊斧改革。-------------------- 看資本主義不順眼很久了嗎?你知道個人經濟權利是神聖不可侵犯的人權嗎?讓參議員伯尼‧桑德斯告訴你:你有權對資本主義感到憤怒! 桑德斯回顧近代歷史,直指美國長久以來最大的問題在於放任不受控的貪婪滋長並將大型企業的利益置於人民的福祉之上。他認為,不受約束的資本主義是造成收入和財富不平等的罪魁禍首,它無時無刻侵蝕著我們民主政治的基石,破壞力之大,終將導致全球性的災難。嚴峻的考驗當前,桑德斯大聲疾呼,唯有人民挺身反抗,發出不平之鳴,要求政府進行根本性的經濟和政治改革,才是真正改變的起點!A progressive takedown of the uber-capitalist status quo that has enriched millionaires and billionaires at the expense of the working class, and a blueprint for what transformational change would actually look likeIt’s OK to be angry about capitalism. Reflecting on our turbulent times, Senator Bernie Sanders takes on the billionaire class and speaks blunt truths about our country’s failure to address the destructive nature of a system that is fueled by uncontrolled greed and rigidly committed to prioritizing corporate profits over the needs of ordinary Americans.Sanders argues that unfettered capitalism is to blame for an unprecedented level of income and wealth inequality, is undermining our democracy, and is destroying our planet. How can we accept an economic order that allows three billionaires to control more wealth than the bottom half of our society? How can we accept a political system that allows the super rich to buy elections and politicians? How can we accept an energy system that rewards the fossil fuel corporations causing the climate crisis? Sanders believes that, in the face of these overwhelming challenges, the American people must ask tough questions about the systems that have failed us and demand fundamental economic and political change. This is where the path forward begins.It’s OK to Be Angry About Capitalism presents a vision that extends beyond the promises of past campaigns to reveal what would be possible if the political revolution took place, if we would finally recognize that economic rights are human rights, and if we would work to create a society that provides a decent standard of living for all. This isn’t some utopian fantasy; this is democracy as we should know it."


作者介紹 Bernie SandersBernie Sanders is serving his third term in the U.S. Senate and is the longest-serving Independent member of Congress in American history. He is the chairman of the Budget Committee, where he helped write the $1.9 trillion American Rescue Plan, one of the most significant pieces of legislation in our modern history. In the Senate, Sanders is leading the fight for Medicare for All, for combating climate change, and for making public colleges and universities tuition free.


書名 / Its OK to Be Angry About Capitalism
作者 / Bernie Sanders
簡介 / Its OK to Be Angry About Capitalism:【美國史上任期最久的無黨籍參議員伯尼.桑德斯重磅新作】✰紐時暢榜書控訴經濟不平等。美國史上任期最長無黨派國會議員桑德斯控訴
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9780593238714
ISBN10 / 0593238710
EAN / 9780593238714
誠品26碼 / 2682323010003
頁數 / 320
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.5X15.6X2.1CM
級別 / N:無
