Change of Heart | 誠品線上

Change of Heart

作者 Jodi Picoult
商品描述 Change of Heart:《姊姊的守護者》作者茱迪.皮考特矚目力作《換心》Thebeloved#1NewYorkTimesbestsellingauthorand“masterofthecraftofstorytelling”(AssociatedPress)


內容簡介 《姊姊的守護者》作者茱迪.皮考特《換心》小說內容以一樁死刑犯捐贈心臟事件,來探討並引領讀者思索故事中涉及的各方面爭議。書中各章由小說裡的各個角色以第一人稱現身說法,敘述身為美國新罕布夏州(New Hampshire)第一位死刑囚犯的Shay Bourne,要求在行刑之後,將自己的心臟捐贈給該案受害者正等待心臟移植的妹妹,因為他認為這是他自我救贖的方式。然而,受邀擔任Shay Bourne心靈諮商的神職人員Michael Wright,卻認為捐贈器官對於所謂救贖,根本無濟於事,並試圖以此說服Shay Bourne。而對於等待心臟移植的June Nealon來說,原本她在自己的生活中,正幸福地盼望充滿歡笑的未來,但因此事,導致她的生命可謂成為一場等待的遊戲——除了等待時間使她的傷口癒合,同時也等待正義、等待奇蹟。故事就在其間的種種矛盾糾葛中緩緩開展。本中文書介出自《換心》臺灣商務印書館股份有限公司出版The beloved #1 New York Times bestselling author and “master of the craft of storytelling” (Associated Press) weaves a spellbinding tale of a mother’s tragic loss and one man’s chance at salvation.One moment June Nealon is happily looking forward to years of love and laughter with her family. The next, she is facing a future as empty as her heart as she waits for a miracle.For Shay Bourne, life has no more surprises, and he has nothing to offer the world. In a heartbeat, though, his life is changed by one last chance for redemption through June’s young daughter, Claire. But between June and Shay lies an ocean of bitter regrets and a mother’s rage.Would you give up revenge against someone you hate if it meant saving someone you love? Would you want your dreams to come true if it meant granting your enemy’s dying wish?Soul-stirring and haunting, Change of Heart is “another ripped-from-the-zeitgeist winner” (Publishers Weekly) from Jodi Picoult."


作者介紹 Jodi PicoultJodi Picoult received an AB in creative writing from Princeton and a master’s degree in education from Harvard. The recipient of the 2003 New England Book Award for her entire body of work, she is the author of twenty-seven novels, including the #1 New York Times bestsellers House Rules, Handle With Care, Change of Heart, and My Sister’s Keeper, for which she received the American Library Association’s Margaret Alexander Edwards Award. She lives in New Hampshire with her husband and three children. Visit her website at


書名 / Change of Heart
作者 / Jodi Picoult
簡介 / Change of Heart:《姊姊的守護者》作者茱迪.皮考特矚目力作《換心》Thebeloved#1NewYorkTimesbestsellingauthorand“masterofthecraftofstorytelling”(AssociatedPress)
ISBN13 / 9781668012765
ISBN10 / 1668012766
EAN / 9781668012765
誠品26碼 / 2682293247003
頁數 / 640
注音版 /
裝訂 / M:口袋裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19X10.5X4CM
級別 / N:無
