Moonfall 1: The Starless Crown | 誠品線上

Moonfall 1: The Starless Crown

作者 James Rollins
出版社 Macmillan Publishing Services
商品描述 Moonfall 1: The Starless Crown:【在末世預言實現前,他們必須抵抗一切阻礙力挽狂瀾…】天生就看不見的妮克絲,在布拉伊刻修道院低調的生活,因為一次遭到沼澤蝙蝠攻擊,


內容簡介 天生就看不見的妮克絲,在布拉伊刻修道院低調的生活,因為一次遭到沼澤蝙蝠攻擊,蝙蝠的毒液居然意外讓她恢復視力,同時,她發現自己擁有預視的能力。 一天,她看見了一個預言─末世異相即將來臨,但這件事情卻為妮克絲帶來全面追殺! 在「月球墜落」傳說中,看見末世預言的人會為托藍斯王國招來衰亡的命運,妮克絲瞬間成為全國通緝犯,但她相信自己所見,為了阻止悲劇發生,她一路逃亡,沿途中遇見決定和兄長分道揚鑣、托藍絲王國的次王子坎思,使用禁忌武器的士兵葛林希,和盜賊拉依佛,看似奇怪的組合,卻成為妮克絲強大的夥伴,然而時間正分秒流逝,除了躲避追殺,他們必須找到扭轉末世的關鍵力量... An alliance embarks on a dangerous journey to uncover the secrets of the distant past and save their world in this captivating, deeply visionary adventure from #1 New York Times bestselling thriller-master James Rollins. A gifted student foretells an apocalypse. Her reward is a sentence of death. Fleeing into the unknown she is drawn into a team of outcasts: A broken soldier, who once again takes up the weapons he’s forbidden to wield and carves a trail back home. A drunken prince, who steps out from his beloved brother’s shadow and claims a purpose of his own. An imprisoned thief, who escapes the crushing dark and discovers a gleaming artifact - one that will ignite a power struggle across the globe. On the run, hunted by enemies old and new, they must learn to trust each other in order to survive in a world evolved in strange, beautiful, and deadly ways, and uncover ancient secrets that hold the key to their salvation. But with each passing moment, doom draws closer.


作者介紹 James RollinsJames Rollins is the #1 New York Times bestseller of international thrillers, sold to over forty countries. His Sigma series has earned national accolades and has topped charts around the world. He is also a practicing veterinarian, who still spends time underground or underwater as an avid spelunker and diver. At long last, Rollins debuts a major new series that opens a riven world trapped between fire and ice, merging his fascination with the natural world, his love of adventure, and his knowledge of the wonders found at the evolutionary fringes of scientific exploration. It is a fantasy series unlike any attempted before.


書名 / Moonfall 1: The Starless Crown
作者 / James Rollins
簡介 / Moonfall 1: The Starless Crown:【在末世預言實現前,他們必須抵抗一切阻礙力挽狂瀾…】天生就看不見的妮克絲,在布拉伊刻修道院低調的生活,因為一次遭到沼澤蝙蝠攻擊,
出版社 / Macmillan Publishing Services
ISBN13 / 9781250766717
ISBN10 / 1250766710
EAN / 9781250766717
誠品26碼 / 2682307702009
頁數 / 576
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 23.6X15.5X2.5CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 在末世預言實現前,他們必須抵抗一切阻礙力挽狂瀾…
