Batgirls Vol. 2: Bat Girl Summer | 誠品線上

Batgirls Vol. 2: Bat Girl Summer

作者 Becky Cloonan ; Michael Conrad
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Batgirls Vol. 2: Bat Girl Summer:,TwoBatsarebetterthanone!CassandraCainandStephanieBrownteam-upfortheadventuresyou'vebeenwaitingfor!Ofcourse,underthementorshi


內容簡介 Two Bats are better than one! Cassandra Cain and Stephanie Brown team-up for the adventures you've been waiting for! Of course, under the mentorship of Barbara Gordon, the original Batgirl! With the Batgirls' damaged reputation still on the line and repairs on the Clock Tower well under way, Babs just might have finally found the key to their redemption. Meanwhile, serial killer the Hill Ripper is still on the loose! The girls receive their first major break in the case from an unlikely source-unfortunately for them, the main suspect is among the most enigmatic and dangerous villains in all of Gotham! Collects Batgirls #7-12!


作者介紹 Born in Pisa, Becky Cloonan began her career self-publishing mini-comics in 1999. Since then she has gone on to work with publishers like DC, Vertigo, Dark Horse, Harper Collins, and Marvel, winning a few Eisner Awards along the way, both for self-published books. In 2012 Becky broke a glass ceiling, becoming the first woman to illustrate an issue of Batman. In her spare time, she illustrates for Mondo, Criterion, Roadburn Festival, Konkani, and DeathWaltz Records, and has worked with bands like Clutch, Abbath, X Japan, and Black Sabbath. Michael Conrad has written for DC Comics, Marvel Comics, and ComiXology Originals. Some of his work includes: Wonder Woman, Batgirls, Action Comics, and more!


書名 / Batgirls Vol. 2: Bat Girl Summer
作者 / Becky Cloonan ; Michael Conrad
簡介 / Batgirls Vol. 2: Bat Girl Summer:,TwoBatsarebetterthanone!CassandraCainandStephanieBrownteam-upfortheadventuresyou'vebeenwaitingfor!Ofcourse,underthementorshi
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9781779520289
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781779520289
誠品26碼 /
級別 / N:無
重量(g) / 367.4
頁數 / 160
尺寸 / 0.0X0.0X0.0CM
重量(g) / 249.5
頁數 / 144
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 25.2X16.4X1.2CM
