Candy Color Paradox, Vol. 6 | 誠品線上

Candy Color Paradox, Vol. 6

作者 Isaku Natsume
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Candy Color Paradox, Vol. 6:,ReporterOnoeandphotographerKaburagiconstantlybickerandargueontheirstakeouts,butwilltheirantagonisticbehaviorparadoxicallyevolvein


內容簡介 Reporter Onoe and photographer Kaburagi constantly bicker and argue on their stakeouts, but will their antagonistic behavior paradoxically evolve into something sweeter? Satoshi Onoe, a reporter for a weekly magazine, has a new stakeout partner, and he's anything but thrilled about it. Photographer Motoharu Kaburagi's unconventional reporting methods and overall bad attitude are enough to drive Onoe insane. But the more the two work together, the closer they get. Ready to take their relationship to a whole new level, Kaburagi and Onoe make the next big leap on their path to love--finding an apartment together. But end-of-the-year holiday cheer turns into holiday dread, with endless work keeping the two from having time to see each other! Onoe starts worrying that Kaburagi is overworking himself, but his concern comes off as criticism, sparking the couple's first big argument and driving Onoe to say that maybe they shouldn't live together after all. And even after they make up, Kaburagi starts getting cold feet about the big move...


作者介紹 Isaku Natsume's previous works include False Memories, Ginger Honey, Devil's Honey, Dash!, Tight Rope, and her debut title, No Color. She has published doujinshi (independent comics) under the circle names "139" and "Cheke-rara." Born in July, she's a Leo with an O blood type.


書名 / Candy Color Paradox, Vol. 6
作者 / Isaku Natsume
簡介 / Candy Color Paradox, Vol. 6:,ReporterOnoeandphotographerKaburagiconstantlybickerandargueontheirstakeouts,butwilltheirantagonisticbehaviorparadoxicallyevolvein
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9781974734467
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781974734467
誠品26碼 /
重量(g) / 0.0
尺寸 / 18.1X12.7X1.1CM
頁數 / 168
重量(g) / 136.1
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 18.0X12.4X1.5CM
頁數 / 154
級別 / N:無
