The Sweet Spot | 誠品線上

The Sweet Spot

作者 Amy Poeppel
商品描述 The Sweet Spot:【三個女人一個娃!這個從天而降不知來歷的嬰兒,居然徹底扭轉並改變了她們的生命...】蘿倫和她的家人幸運地搬進一間古老的聯排別墅,雖然裡面的裝潢走70


內容簡介 蘿倫和她的家人幸運地搬進一間古老的聯排別墅,雖然裡面的裝潢走70年代風,有著難看的壁紙,地下室是一間充滿波希米亞風格的酒吧「The Sweet Spot」。 她有一個數學教授老公,三個聰明的孩子和一隻精力旺盛的狗。蘿倫和年輕有為的女企業家費莉希蒂是好友,一次聊天中,她鼓勵費莉希蒂不畏世俗眼光,勇敢追求自己的幸福…但她沒想到,這居然為她帶來了大災難! 蘿倫的鄰居,擔任公關的梅琳達,最近突然被結褵30年的丈夫宣告玩完,因為他要跟一個年輕貌美的女企業家費莉希蒂結婚,而那個人就是費莉希蒂!梅琳達感到被汙辱又憤怒,無法控制自己的怒火,她情緒失控、大肆破壞所到之處,甚至跑去費莉希蒂在蘇活區開的精品店大鬧一場... 奧莉維亞在費莉希蒂開的精品店上班,一邊懷抱夢想一邊思索著要如何還錢,當她看到梅琳達故意弄髒店裡的商品,她氣壞了!兩人大打出手,結果影片被上傳到TikTok,讓她跟梅琳達都丟了工作... 三個女人的生活因緣際會被牽扯在一起,這時,一個小男嬰突然出現在梅琳達的家門口前,三個女人手忙腳亂,光應付週遭的鳥事就快發瘋了,甚至是一個小嬰兒?! In the heart of Greenwich Village, three women form an accidental sorority when a baby—belonging to exactly none of them—lands on their collective doorstep. Lauren and her family—lucky bastards—have been granted the use of a spectacular brownstone, teeming with history and dizzyingly unattractive 70s wallpaper. Adding to the home’s bohemian, grungy splendor is the bar occupying the basement, a (mostly) beloved dive called The Sweet Spot. Within days of moving in, Lauren discovers that she has already made an enemy in the neighborhood by inadvertently sparking the divorce of a couple she has never actually met. Melinda’s husband of thirty years has dumped her for a young celebrity entrepreneur named Felicity, and, to Melinda’s horror, the lovebirds are soon to become parents. In her incandescent rage, Melinda wreaks havoc wherever she can, including in Felicity’s Soho boutique, where she has a fit of epic proportions, which happens to be caught on film.​ Olivia—the industrious twenty-something behind the counter, who has big dreams and bigger debt—gets caught in the crossfire. In an effort to diffuse Melinda’s temper, Olivia has a tantrum of her own and gets unceremoniously canned, thanks to TikTok. When Melinda’s ex follows his lover across the country, leaving their squalling baby behind, the three women rise to the occasion in order to forgive, to forget, to Ferberize, and to track down the wayward parents. But can their little village find a way toward the happily ever afters they all desire? Welcome to The Sweet Spot.


作者介紹 Amy PoeppelAmy Poeppel is the award-winning author of the novels The Sweet Spot, Musical Chairs, Limelight, and Small Admissions. Her writing has appeared in The New York Times, The Rumpus, Literary Hub, and Working Mother. She and her husband have three sons and split their time between New York City, Germany, and Connecticut. She would love to hear from you on Twitter or Instagram: @AmyPoeppel or at


書名 / The Sweet Spot
作者 / Amy Poeppel
簡介 / The Sweet Spot:【三個女人一個娃!這個從天而降不知來歷的嬰兒,居然徹底扭轉並改變了她們的生命...】蘿倫和她的家人幸運地搬進一間古老的聯排別墅,雖然裡面的裝潢走70
ISBN13 / 9781982176457
ISBN10 / 1982176458
EAN / 9781982176457
誠品26碼 / 2682293243005
頁數 / 400
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.1X13.5X2.5CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 三個女人一個娃!這個從天而降不知來歷的嬰兒,居然徹底扭轉並改變了她們的生命...