Mickey7 1 | 誠品線上

Mickey7 1

作者 Edward Ashton
出版社 Macmillan Publishing Services
商品描述 Mickey7 1:同名改編電影Mickey7將由奉俊昊執導,羅伯‧派汀森主演:愛德華.艾希頓《米奇7號》Dyingisn’tanyfun…butatleastit’saliving.Mickey7isanExpendable:adispos


內容簡介 奉俊昊\《寄生上流》金獎導演,搶下改編權,熱鬧開拍!羅伯派汀森\新任「蝙蝠俠」,一人分飾8角!◎2022美國公共廣播電台年度最佳好書◎2022美國最大讀者書評網Goodreads科幻類最佳小說入圍遇到最危險、最要命的任務,找米奇就對了!姓名:米奇7號屬性:可拋可棄消耗型複製人職位:太空探險隊成員現役地點:寒冷星球尼弗海姆他是米奇7號,前有1到6號,已終結(慢走不送)本想憑著自己高經驗值,他可以活到天荒地老(有夢最美)誰知米奇8號竟然來了,按規矩……等等~按規矩,他沒死,怎麼可以有米奇8號?#@*%(消音──)在太空任務中,靠著高科技複製技術,米奇總是能起死回生。每當他不幸殉職,探險隊都會以同樣基因編組重製新米奇,並還原他生前的記憶。米奇1號起初是為了躲債而加入探險隊,或是照他自己說法是原來住的星球實在無聊到爆。不過,死了6次之後,米奇7號終於體認到簽下賣身契的真正意義(也明白為何這職位一直缺人)。一次例行偵察中,米奇7號因意外受困,遭認定死亡。但是,幸運歷劫歸來的7號,竟發現米奇8號已上線!!!資源匱乏的探險隊絕不可能容得下兩個米奇,肯定立刻斷捨離,簡單說,就是多餘的要被分解成蛋白質。看來,米奇7號和8號必須來一場辯論,決定誰能活下去?但首先,兩位米奇要先攜手躲過所有基地人員的考驗──不能給人發現現在有個「混飯吃的」……可拋可棄的宇宙級社畜求生指南,死活都要看!本中文書介出自《米奇7號》寂寞出版股份有限公司出版""A wildly entertaining mix of action and big ideas peppered with humor and a bizarre love story."" ―NPR“A brisk, spirited sci-fi romp…hugely enjoyable.” ―Max Barry, author of Providence*Soon to be the major motion picture Mickey17*Dying isn’t any fun…but at least it’s a living.Mickey7 is an Expendable: a disposable employee on a human expedition sent to colonize the ice world Niflheim. Whenever there’s a mission that’s too dangerous―even suicidal―the crew turns to Mickey. After one iteration dies, a new body is regenerated with most of his memories intact.On a routine scouting mission, Mickey7 goes missing and is presumed dead. By the time he returns to the colony base, his fate has been sealed. There’s a new clone, Mickey8, reporting for Expendable duties. The idea of duplicate Expendables is universally loathed, and if caught, they face being recycled into protein to feed a hungry colony. Meanwhile, life on Niflheim is getting worse, and the native species are growing curious about their new neighbors, which has Commander Marshall very afraid. Ultimately, the survival of both lifeforms will come down to Mickey7.That is, if he can just keep from dying for good.""The fun [in reading Mickey7] is trying to keep up with Mr. Ashton’s twists and turns, and the extra fun is that you never do."" ―The Wall Street Journal""Sci-fi readers will be drawn in by the inventive premise and stick around for the plucky narrator."" ―Publishers Weekly"


作者介紹 Edward AshtonEdward Ashton (he him) is the author of the novels Three Days in April, The End of Ordinary, and Mickey7, as well as of short stories which have appeared in venues ranging from the newsletter of an Italian sausage company to Escape Pod, Analog, and Fireside Fiction. He lives in upstate New York in a cabin in the woods (not that cabin in the woods) with his wife, a variable number of daughters, and an adorably mopey dog named Max. In his free time, he enjoys cancer research, teaching quantum physics to sullen graduate students, and whittling.


書名 / Mickey7 1
作者 / Edward Ashton
簡介 / Mickey7 1:同名改編電影Mickey7將由奉俊昊執導,羅伯‧派汀森主演:愛德華.艾希頓《米奇7號》Dyingisn’tanyfun…butatleastit’saliving.Mickey7isanExpendable:adispos
出版社 / Macmillan Publishing Services
ISBN13 / 9781250875280
ISBN10 / 1250875285
EAN / 9781250875280
誠品26碼 / 2682316314002
頁數 / 320
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.1X13.7X2.5CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 同名改編電影Mickey 7將由奉俊昊執導,羅伯‧派汀森主演
