Cocoa Magic | 誠品線上

Cocoa Magic

作者 Sandra Bradley
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Cocoa Magic:Inacozy1920schocolateshop,thespecialingredientsineachperfecttreatareempathy,generosity,andthoughtfulactsofkindness.Eight-year-oldDanielcherishesthe


內容簡介 In a cozy 1920s chocolate shop, the special ingredients in each perfect treat are empathy, generosity, and thoughtful acts of kindness.Eight-year-old Daniel cherishes the hour he spends every morning helping his Great-Uncle Lewis in his chocolate shop. They mix, temper, pour, and mold. “It’s magic, my boy,” Uncle Lewis says. And Daniel agrees. When a new girl named Sarah joins his class, Daniel sees how lonely she is and begins sneaking chocolates into her desk. Seeing Sarah light up after each treat is wonderful…but then Daniel starts noticing other classmates with troubles. Soon he is hiding more and more chocolates until the exciting day when everyone in class receives one, even the teacher! The best part is, no one knows it’s him.But then, when Daniel is the one feeling sad and alone, who will know to comfort him?In Cocoa Magic, Gabrielle Grimard’s rich and nostalgic illustrations transport readers to a cozy 1920s chocolate shop and a stiff brick schoolhouse that somehow learns to be warm as well. In her text and her closing author’s note, clinical social worker Sandra Bradley celebrates the wonders that happen when someone meets another person’s need to be seen and understood—even through the smallest act of kindness.


作者介紹 Sandra Bradley isa chocolate lover, a clinical social worker and therapist, and a children'sbook author. Her first picture book, Henry Holton Takes the Ice, was afinalist for the OLA Forest of Reading Blue Spruce Award and the MaineChickadee Reader's Choice Award. Born in Toronto, Sandra earned her Bachelor ofArts (Honours) and her Master of Arts at Queen's University in Kingston, Ontario, then earned her Master of Education (Counselling) from the Universityof Auckland in New Zealand. Today Sandra is back in the Kingston area where shelives on the beautiful Rideau Canal with her New Zealander husband, Grant, andtheir three teenage kids. Sandra has yet to temper chocolate successfully, butshe's finally nailed chocolate brownie pie.Gabrielle Grimard transformed her love of design intoa career in illustration over the course of her studies at Concordia Universityand the University of Quebec. Her 2020 title The Library Bus won theMiddle East Book Award and was a finalist for the Governor General's LiteraryAward, among many other honors. In 2018, StolenWords won the Ruth and Sylvia Schwartz Children's Book Award and was afinalist for the TD Canadian Children's Book Award. Not My Girl was a USBBY Outstanding International Book. Gabrielle'screativity has been applied to children's publishing, advertising, andeducational contexts. She lives in Waterville, Quebec.


書名 / Cocoa Magic
作者 / Sandra Bradley
簡介 / Cocoa Magic:Inacozy1920schocolateshop,thespecialingredientsineachperfecttreatareempathy,generosity,andthoughtfulactsofkindness.Eight-year-oldDanielcherishesthe
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9781772782646
ISBN10 / 1772782645
EAN / 9781772782646
誠品26碼 / 2682325541000
頁數 / 32
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 28.4X24.4X1.0CM
級別 / N:無
