Qualitative Research in Education and Social Sciences | 誠品線上

Qualitative Research in Education and Social Sciences

作者 Danica G. Hays ; Anneliese A. Singh
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Qualitative Research in Education and Social Sciences:QualitativeResearchinEducationandSocialSciences,SecondEditionprovidesreaderswithanin-depthguideonplanning


內容簡介 Qualitative Research in Education and Social Sciences, Second Edition provides readers with an in-depth guide on planning, conducting, and reporting qualitative research to inform professions, communities, and scholarship as a whole. It also considers the importance of cultivating the relationships that researchers develop with others as well as within themselves as they navigate complex questions that impact them both professionally and personally. Authors Danica G. Hays and Anneliese Singh organize this step-by-step guide in four sections: Foundations of Qualitative Inquiry; Qualitative Research Design; Data Collection and Analysis; and The Qualitative Research Proposal and Report. A focus on shared power, collaboration, and personal and political activism is infused in their research approach and recommended often throughout the text. This second edition reflects a more multidimensional perspective of the role of the qualitative researcher, a restructured and updated presentation of qualitative research paradigms and traditions, an expansion on online media research, and a continuing eye toward empowerment and advocacy within the research conducted with participants and communities.This text is written at a level most suitable for graduate-level students, practitioners, and educators in a variety of education and social science disciplines.


書名 / Qualitative Research in Education and Social Sciences
作者 / Danica G. Hays ; Anneliese A. Singh
簡介 / Qualitative Research in Education and Social Sciences:QualitativeResearchinEducationandSocialSciences,SecondEditionprovidesreaderswithanin-depthguideonplanning
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9781793545732
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781793545732
誠品26碼 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
頁數 / 644
重量(g) / 1256.4
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
尺寸 / 25.4X20.3X3.3CM
