Get the Girl: How to Be the Kind of Man the Kind of Woman You Want to Marry Would Want to Marry | 誠品線上

Get the Girl: How to Be the Kind of Man the Kind of Woman You Want to Marry Would Want to Marry

作者 Douglas Wilson
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Get the Girl: How to Be the Kind of Man the Kind of Woman You Want to Marry Would Want to Marry:"The'manosphere'onlineisfilledwithacertainkindofred-pilledbitte


內容簡介 "The 'manosphere' online is filled with a certain kind of red-pilled bitterness which, when it is coupled with evolutionary and materialistic assumptions, produces an odd mix of appalling selfishness and cynicism (and reductionism with regard to sex) coupled with common grace insights that you would never hear from an evangelical beta-preacher." from the bookDouglas Wilson writes to a young man on how he should pursue a woman. Feminism has catechized us in many lies about what makes the sexes attracted to each other, and evangelical pastors have often only reinforced those lies with platitudes about servant-leadership (heavy on the servant, light on the leadership). When they find out that being a doormat doesn't attract anyone, young men often rebound to the secular manosphere. Douglas Wilson offers his own commonsense advice, sharp-edged and thoroughly biblical, not just on how to be the kind of man who attracts the right woman, but how to be the kind of man that keeps her.Douglas Wilson is the pastor of Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho, a father of three, and grandfather of seventeen. He is the author of over a hundred books including Reforming Marriage, Why Children Matter, and How to Exasperate Your Wife.


作者介紹 Douglas Wilson is the author of more than one hundred books, a Senior Fellow of Theology at New Saint Andrews College, and the pastor of Christ Church in Moscow, Idaho. He and his wife, Nancy, have three children and lots of grandchildren.


書名 / Get the Girl: How to Be the Kind of Man the Kind of Woman You Want to Marry Would Want to Marry
作者 / Douglas Wilson
簡介 / Get the Girl: How to Be the Kind of Man the Kind of Woman You Want to Marry Would Want to Marry:"The'manosphere'onlineisfilledwithacertainkindofred-pilledbitte
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9781957905143
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781957905143
誠品26碼 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
頁數 / 150
重量(g) / 199.6
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
頁數 / 136
尺寸 / 21.6X14.0X0.9CM