The Art & Craft of Coffee Cocktails: Over 75 Recipes for Mixing Coffee and Liquor | 誠品線上

咖啡調酒微醺術: 77款世界調酒大師的咖啡雞尾酒創意酒譜, 小心上癮!

作者 傑森.克拉克
商品描述 The Art & Craft of Coffee Cocktails: Over 75 Recipes for Mixing Coffee and Liquor:傑森.克拉克《咖啡調酒微醺術:77款世界調酒大師的咖啡雞尾酒創意酒譜,小心上癮!》


內容簡介 咖啡 X 酒體 = 風味的無限可能如果你喜愛咖啡和酒,那麼這本書就是為你而生的!★ 調酒界扛壩子+世界咖啡冠軍強力背書 ★★ 亞馬遜讀者五顆星盛讚 ★當1980年代的傳奇調酒師迪克.布萊德塞爾,為了回應「來點讓我清醒的東西,再把我灌醉」的點單要求,即興組合伏特加、現煮的義式濃縮咖啡、咖啡利口酒和糖,搖製出一杯多泡沫且令人充滿活力的苦甜混合飲品,也就是我們熟知的不朽經典──濃縮咖啡馬丁尼Espresso Martini其原名為「藥用興奮劑」或「伏特加濃縮咖啡」,時至今日,全世界下單濃縮咖啡馬丁尼的人數更創下歷史新高! ▍世界上最火紅的飲品趨勢──咖啡雞尾酒 ▍也是七大世界咖啡賽事之一「世界咖啡調酒大賽」咖啡與烈酒/利口酒,誰才是咖啡雞尾酒中的主角?其實咖啡既可作為主要風味,主導所有其他搭配的味道,也能以其作為調和的元素,成為飲品中的配角。除了賦予調酒酸、甜、苦等風味特質,咖啡也能為雞尾酒增添大量的口感,清淡的、厚重的、蓬鬆的、冷的或燙的……但要選擇哪一種咖啡豆或萃取方式,才能調出一杯風味平衡而有層次的完美調酒?歡迎走進雞尾酒大師──傑森.克拉克的咖啡調酒研究室此書從挑選咖啡七大要點開始,帶玩家們了解不同咖啡豆和各種烘培法的特色,解析咖啡風味,以及如何沖泡出「適合製作雞尾酒的咖啡」。並透過77道極致咖啡雞尾酒酒譜,詳細說明咖啡與利口酒的各種組合,如何能為雞尾酒增添絕妙的風味和口感!不論你是新手還是經驗豐富的調酒師和咖啡師,跟著傑森的介紹,都能以極具創意的方式,準確掌握各種元素的特點,最重要的是,是以美味的方式結合生活中的兩大樂趣——咖啡和美酒!本中文書介出自《咖啡調酒微醺術: 77款世界調酒大師的咖啡雞尾酒創意酒譜, 小心上癮!》麥浩斯資訊股份有限公司出版Enjoy two of life’s greatest pleasures – coffee and alcohol – with this comprehensive guide to mixing perfect coffee cocktails. World-class mixologist Jason Clark will inspire, excite and educate you by taking you behind the bar for a masterclass in creating coffee-based cocktails.First take a journey into the history and craft of coffee, the world's most popular beverage, from crop to cup. Next follow his expert mixing tips aimed at everyone from keen beginners to bartenders working in the world’s best bars. More than 75 recipes follow, covering all styles of cocktails from stirred and shaken through to blended and blazed. Learn how to perfect simple classics such as Espresso Martini and Irish coffee or try your hand at technical modern marvels Cinnamon Toast Crunch White Russian and Whiskey Pour Over. With The Art and Craft of Coffee Cocktails in hand your daily grind will never be the same!"


作者介紹 Jason ClarkJason Clark has been working in bars, restaurants and cafés in New Zealand, London and Melbourne for over 20 years. He progressed into the role of Luxury Brand Ambassador Trainer based in Dubai where he shares his expertise to educate and inspire bartenders from all around the world. You can follow his liquid adventures on Instagram: @Drinks_Geek


書名 / The Art & Craft of Coffee Cocktails: Over 75 Recipes for Mixing Coffee and Liquor
作者 / 傑森.克拉克
簡介 / The Art & Craft of Coffee Cocktails: Over 75 Recipes for Mixing Coffee and Liquor:傑森.克拉克《咖啡調酒微醺術:77款世界調酒大師的咖啡雞尾酒創意酒譜,小心上癮!》
ISBN13 / 9781788794695
ISBN10 / 1788794699
EAN / 9781788794695
誠品26碼 / 2682211490009
頁數 / 208
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 18.6X12.3X1CM
級別 / N:無
