The Raging 2020s: Companies, Countries, People-and the Fight for Our Future | 誠品線上

The Raging 2020s: Companies, Countries, People-and the Fight for Our Future

作者 Alec Ross
出版社 Macmillan Publishing Services
商品描述 The Raging 2020s: Companies, Countries, People-and the Fight for Our Future:【進入2020年的世代,過去以來維持世界運轉的模式已逐漸被動搖】亞歷克.羅斯《大失衡:重


內容簡介 進入2020年的世代,過去以來維持世界運轉的模式已逐漸被動搖 ★ 《彭博商業周刊》年度最佳著作★ 《科克斯書評》「150本最令人期待的秋季書單」★ 亞當・格蘭特選書「必讀十大領導力書籍」過去,一如國家有權決定一國的走向,不同的企業形塑人類的生活方式,而人們則有權決定讓誰來領導自己。但這樣的模式逐漸鬆垮,我們看見某些國家政府的失能與挫敗,某些大型跨國企業仿若自成一格的小國家,甚至能影響世界局勢,而公民的權利和自由不斷遭到挑戰與限縮。 作者Alec Ross過去曾在國務院擔任希拉蕊‧柯林頓的資深顧問,在多年的觀察與在領域中的耕耘,提出他的觀點與看法,對於資本主義極端的走勢,加上國際社會的挑戰與國內的經濟衝擊,該如何面對與因應。為什麼大企業的市值愈來愈高,員工的薪資卻一直沒漲?為什麼面臨各種重要議題,政府的反應速度總是遠遠不及企業?為什麼全球化帶來資訊流通,卻讓勞工的權力比上個世紀更低落?本書作者、世界首屈一指的創新策略專家亞歷克‧羅斯指出,原因在於,過去讓社會運作良好的「社會契約」正在崩解。社會契約是一套道德準則,包含明文的法律與非明文的社會規範。賦予企業權力來形塑人們的日常生活;賦予政府權力來規範企業;賦予人民權力來選擇領導人。而如今,政府、企業、人民的權力失去平衡,導致市場愈來愈集中,企業權力凌駕於國家之上,政府應變能力愈來愈差。羅斯訪談世界上最有影響力的思想家,描述企業積極行動與不法作為的故事、政府失能與革新的案例,以及創新的經濟與政治模式。他提出一份全新的契約,能夠重設企業、政府與人民之間的平衡。未來已經在衝擊我們,不過作者指出,未來可以令人興奮,而不是令人害怕。關鍵在於我們得先了解癥結,讓政府、企業與人民共同打造權力平衡、各司其職的未來新榮景。本中文書介出自《大失衡: 重建一個繁榮、穩定的新未來》遠見天下文化出版股份有限公司出版In the face of unprecedented global change, New York Times bestselling author Alec Ross proposes a new social contract to restore the balance of power between government, citizens, and business in The Raging 2020s.For 150 years, there has been a contract. Companies hold the power to shape our daily lives. The state holds the power to make them fall in line. And the people hold the power to choose their leaders. But now, this balance has shaken loose.As the market consolidates, the lines between big business and the halls of Congress have become razor-thin. Private companies have become as powerful as countries. As Walter Isaacson said about Alec Ross’s first book, The Industries of the Future, “The future is already hitting us, and Ross shows how it can be exciting rather than frightening.”Through interviews with the world’s most influential thinkers and stories of corporate activism and malfeasance, government failure and renewal, and innovative economic and political models, Ross proposes a new social contract―one that resets the equilibrium between corporations, the governing, and the governed."


作者介紹 Alec RossAlec Ross is one of the world’s leading experts on innovation. Author of New York Times-bestselling The Industries of the Future, he is currently a Distinguished Visiting Professor at The University of Bologna Business School and a Board Partner at Amplo, a global venture capital firm. He was as a Distinguished Senior Fellow at Johns Hopkins University and a Senior Fellow at the Columbia University School of International & Public Affairs. During the Obama Administration, he served as Senior Advisor for Innovation to the Secretary of State, to help modernize the practice of diplomacy and advance America’s foreign policy interests. He also served as the Convener for the Technology & Media Policy Committee on Barack Obama’s 2008 presidential campaign and on the Obama-Biden Presidential Transition Team.


書名 / The Raging 2020s: Companies, Countries, People-and the Fight for Our Future
作者 / Alec Ross
簡介 / The Raging 2020s: Companies, Countries, People-and the Fight for Our Future:【進入2020年的世代,過去以來維持世界運轉的模式已逐漸被動搖】亞歷克.羅斯《大失衡:重
出版社 / Macmillan Publishing Services
ISBN13 / 9781250848529
ISBN10 / 1250848520
EAN / 9781250848529
誠品26碼 / 2682256015007
頁數 / 336
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.1X15X2.3CM
級別 / N:無
