The Key to My Heart | 誠品線上

The Key to My Heart

作者 Lia Louis
商品描述 The Key to My Heart:✰最合耶誕氛圍浪漫愛情小品!丈夫去世後,才華洋溢的作曲家娜塔莉失去了創作動力,匿名在倫敦火車站演奏公共鋼琴。然而有人悄悄將她丈夫最喜歡的歌


內容簡介 ✰ 最合耶誕氛圍浪漫愛情小品丈夫去世後,才華洋溢的作曲家娜塔莉失去了創作動力,匿名在倫敦火車站演奏公共鋼琴。然而有人悄悄將她丈夫最喜歡的歌譜留在鋼琴上,讓她再一次感到希望和悸動…娜塔莉原本前途看好,籌畫已久的音樂劇即將巡演,而一切就在丈夫意外過世後,她對自己的音樂、甚至是人生再無目標,她會去倫敦車站作免費的鋼琴演出,在那裡她可以無名無姓,直到有天,有人開始在鋼琴上留下樂譜,都是去世的丈夫喜歡的曲子,這激發了娜塔莉生活的動力,也開啟一段奇妙的旅程。A heartwarming novel about hope after loss as a young widow receives mysterious messages of love from the "must-buy author " (Jodi Picoult) of Eight Perfect Hours.Sparkly and charming Natalie Fincher has it all--a handsome new husband, a fixer-upper cottage of her dreams, and the opportunity to tour with the musical she's spent years writing. But when her husband suddenly dies, all her hopes and dreams instantly disappear.Two and a half years later, Natalie is still lost. She works, sleeps (well, as much as the sexually frustrated village foxes will allow), and sees friends just often enough to allay their worries, but her life is empty. And she can only bring herself to play music at a London train station's public piano where she can be anonymous. She's lost motivation, faith in love, in everything.But when someone begins to mysteriously leave the sheet music for her husband's favorite songs at the station's piano, Natalie begins to feel a sense of hope and excitement for the first time. As she investigates just who could be doing this, Natalie finds herself on an unexpected journey toward newfound love for herself, for life, and maybe, for a special someone."


作者介紹 Lia LouisLia Louis lives in the United Kingdom with her partner and three young children. Before raising a family, she worked as a freelance copywriter and proofreader. She was the 2015 winner of Elle magazine’s annual writing competition and has been a contributor for Bloomsbury’s Writers and Artists blog for aspiring writers. She is the author of Somewhere Close to Happy, Dear Emmie Blue, and Eight Perfect Hours.


書名 / The Key to My Heart
作者 / Lia Louis
簡介 / The Key to My Heart:✰最合耶誕氛圍浪漫愛情小品!丈夫去世後,才華洋溢的作曲家娜塔莉失去了創作動力,匿名在倫敦火車站演奏公共鋼琴。然而有人悄悄將她丈夫最喜歡的歌
ISBN13 / 9781668001264
ISBN10 / 1668001268
EAN / 9781668001264
誠品26碼 / 2682225499005
頁數 / 352
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21X13.5X2.3CM
級別 / N:無