Stick Figures Save the World: Drawing Simply to Share Jesus Well | 誠品線上

Stick Figures Save the World: Drawing Simply to Share Jesus Well

作者 Pam Arlund
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Stick Figures Save the World: Drawing Simply to Share Jesus Well:DrawingSimplytoShareJesusWellHaveyouevertriedtoshareyourfaithbutstruggled,notreallyknowingwhat


內容簡介 Drawing Simply to Share Jesus Well Have you ever tried to share your faith but struggled, not really knowing what to say? This book helps to solve that problem. Practical and funny, Pam Arlund offers a refreshing change from standard methods in disciple-making. In Stick Figures Save the World, you will learn to draw Bible stories in a simple way that can equip even the newest follower of Jesus to pass on what you have learned to someone else. This method works when drawn in the dirt of a remote village or on a napkin in a coffeehouse. Whether you are trying to reach your own children, neighbors, or oral preference learners across the world, this book can show you how. The surprising, two-fold outcome of this method is how exciting Scripture will become and how well prepared you will be to share Jesus with others. Stick figures are not just for kids, they are for anyone who wants to make the most of the opportunities the Lord has given them to authentically share His love with the world.


作者介紹 Pam Arlund (PhD) is a member of the International Leadership Team of All Nations International. Pam has been a field missionary in Central Asia, helping unreached peoples to hear and fall in love with the true story of Jesus Christ. She now travels widely--training, equipping, and encouraging anyone who wants to learn to share the love of Jesus. She lives in Kansas City, Missouri.


書名 / Stick Figures Save the World: Drawing Simply to Share Jesus Well
作者 / Pam Arlund
簡介 / Stick Figures Save the World: Drawing Simply to Share Jesus Well:DrawingSimplytoShareJesusWellHaveyouevertriedtoshareyourfaithbutstruggled,notreallyknowingwhat
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9781645083405
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781645083405
誠品26碼 /
尺寸 / 22.9X15.2X0.8CM
頁數 / 158
頁數 / 152
重量(g) / 235.9
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
尺寸 / 22.9X15.2X0.9CM
