Delphi | 誠品線上


作者 Clare Pollard
商品描述 Delphi:ForreadersofJennyOffill,DeborahLevy,andOliviaLaing,anexquisitedebutnovelaboutaclassicsacademicresearchingprophecyintheancientworld,justasthepandemicdesc


內容簡介 For readers of Jenny Offill, Deborah Levy, and Olivia Laing, an exquisite debut novel about a classics academic researching prophecy in the ancient world, just as the pandemic descends and all visions of her own family’s future begin to blur.Covid-19 has arrived in London, and the entire world quickly succumbs to the surreal, chaotic mundanity of screens, isolation, and the disasters small and large that have plagued recent history. As our unnamed narrator—a classics academic immersed in her studies of ancient prophecies—navigates the tightening grip of lockdown, a marriage in crisis, and a ten-year-old son who seems increasingly unreachable, she becomes obsessed with predicting the future. Shifting her focus from chiromancy (prophecy by palm reading) to zoomancy (prophecy by animal behavior) to oenomancy (prophecy by wine), she fails to notice the future creeping into the heart of her very own home, and when she finally does, the threat has already breached the gates.Brainy and ominous, funny and sharp, Delphi is a snapshot and a time capsule—it both demythologizes our current moment and places our reality in the context of myth. Clare Pollard has delivered one of our first great novels of this terrible moment, a mesmerizing story of our pasts, our presents, and our futures, and how we keep on living in a world that is ever-more uncertain and absurd."


作者介紹 Clare PollardClare Pollard lives with her husband and two children in London. At nineteen, she published her first book of poetry, The Heavy Petting Zoo. She has since published four more collections of poetry with Bloodaxe, most recently Incarnation. Her play The Weather (Faber, 2004) premiered at the Royal Court Theatre. She has been involved in numerous translation projects, including co-translating The Sea-Migrations by Asha Lul Mohamud Yusuf (Bloodaxe, 2017) which received a PEN Translates award, and translating Ovid’s Heroines (Bloodaxe, 2013), which she toured as a one-woman show in the UK. She is the poetry editor for The Idler and the former editor of Modern Poetry in Translation. Her most recent book was a nonfiction title, Fierce Bad Rabbits: The Tales Behind Children’s Picture Books (Penguin). Delphi is her first novel.


書名 / Delphi
作者 / Clare Pollard
簡介 / Delphi:ForreadersofJennyOffill,DeborahLevy,andOliviaLaing,anexquisitedebutnovelaboutaclassicsacademicresearchingprophecyintheancientworld,justasthepandemicdesc
ISBN13 / 9781982197896
ISBN10 / 1982197897
EAN / 9781982197896
誠品26碼 / 2682225530005
頁數 / 208
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.2X14.5X2.1CM
級別 / N:無
