What Can I Say? | 誠品線上

What Can I Say?

作者 Catherine Newman
出版社 Hachette Book Group USA
商品描述 What Can I Say?:該說什麼好呢?適當的時機,說適當的話去朋友家,朋友的弟弟應門,這時你應該說什麼呢?和朋友視訊,奶奶剛好也打電話進來,要怎麼辦呢?路上遇到認識的


內容簡介 該說什麼好呢?適當的時機,說適當的話去朋友家,朋友的弟弟應門,這時你應該說什麼呢?和朋友視訊,奶奶剛好也打電話進來,要怎麼辦呢?路上遇到認識的人,應該做什麼動作?說什麼?還是假裝不認識?有人在背後說惡意的話,這時你該怎麼辦?除了走開不聽,還有更好的、雙贏的方法嗎?中學是學習和練習社交技能的重要時期,包括如何與他人相處、談論困難的事情、成為盟友和好朋友。暢銷書《如何成為一個人》的作者設計多種情境,引領讀者思考在不同的情境下說出適當的話,從如何包容、傾聽、提供建議、爭論、堅持、拒絕約會、表達同情、處理惡意評論、應對霸凌行為等,插圖幽默,展現熟悉場景,很有既視感。幫助孩子培養清晰表達自己的技能,同時對他人表現出同理心、關心和慷慨的承諾。What Can I Say?Middle school is an essential time to learn and practice social skills, including how to get along with others, talk about hard things, be an ally, and a good friend. In What Can I Say?,Catherine Newman, author of the bestseller How to Be a Person, provides supportive guidance and instruction to help kids establish or and maintain meaningful relationships and effective communication with friends, teachers, family members, and others in their communities. Talking the talk can be tricky, and every page of this super-useful book provides easy, accessible scripts and guidance on the right thing to say in all kinds of situations, from how to be inclusive, listen, give advice, argue, stick up for yourself, and ask for help to how to turn down a date, express sympathy, deal with offensive comments, respond to bullying, and be trustworthy. Humorous, graphic-style illustrations that play our familiar scenarios reenforce Newman's friendly, non-judgmental tone and her commitment to helping kids develop the skills to express themselves clearly while showing empathy, care, and generosity towards others.


作者介紹 Catherine NewmanCatherine Newman is the author of What Can I Say? and the award-winning bestseller How to Be a Person, as well as two parenting memoirs: Waiting for Birdy and Catastrophic Happiness, and a middle-grade novel, One Mixed-Up Night. She's also the co-author of Stitch Camp. Newman is the etiquette columnist for Real Simple magazine and the editor of the James Beard Award–winning kids’ cooking magazine ChopChop. A regular contributor to publications including the New York Times, Romper, Cup of Jo, and Grown & Flown, Newman lives in Amherst, Massachusetts, with her family. Visit her at catherinenewmanwriter.com.


書名 / What Can I Say?
作者 / Catherine Newman
簡介 / What Can I Say?:該說什麼好呢?適當的時機,說適當的話去朋友家,朋友的弟弟應門,這時你應該說什麼呢?和朋友視訊,奶奶剛好也打電話進來,要怎麼辦呢?路上遇到認識的
出版社 / Hachette Book Group USA
ISBN13 / 9781635864342
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781635864342
誠品26碼 / 2682505197003
頁數 / 160
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 17.2 x1.3 x22.9
級別 / N:無
提供維修 /


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