A Modern Guide to Granny Squares: Awesome Color Combinations and Designs for Fun and Fabulous Crochet Blocks | 誠品線上

A Modern Guide to Granny Squares: Awesome Color Combinations and Designs for Fun and Fabulous Crochet Blocks

作者 Celine Semaan ; Leonie Morgan
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 A Modern Guide to Granny Squares: Awesome Color Combinations and Designs for Fun and Fabulous Crochet Blocks:,Acollectionoffortycreativedesignsforeasyandcolor


內容簡介 A collection of forty creative designs for easy and colorful crochet blocks. Not your usual granny squares! Celine Semaan has designed more than contemporary and colorful 6" x 6" blocks to get your creativity flowing. Blocks are the best way to try out new stitches and color combinations, and they can then be used to make four projects, including a blanket, pillow, and wall hanging. There is a basic overview on color theory, more than forty granny square patterns, each with: written instructions, chart, and detailed photos, showing stitch detail.


作者介紹 Celine Semaan is a 20-something year old crochet designer from Victoria, Australia. She loves to create modern, bright and fun pieces and spends most of her time surrounded by yarn with her two furry assistants, cats Archie and Millie. Celine has contributed to 3D Granny Squares: 100 Crochet Patterns for Pop-Up Granny Squares and The Ultimate Granny Square Sourcebook: 100 Contemporary Motifs to Mix and Match. To find out more visit craftycc.com and @crafty_cc on Instagram. Leonie Morgan is a crochet designer and the author of four crochet books including Block by Block Crochet and Beautiful Blankets, Afghans and Throws. She is a crochet addict and loves working with color. Leonie lives in Wales, UK where there are approximately three sheep for every person. That's a lot of wool!


書名 / A Modern Guide to Granny Squares: Awesome Color Combinations and Designs for Fun and Fabulous Crochet Blocks
作者 / Celine Semaan ; Leonie Morgan
簡介 / A Modern Guide to Granny Squares: Awesome Color Combinations and Designs for Fun and Fabulous Crochet Blocks:,Acollectionoffortycreativedesignsforeasyandcolor
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9780593332016
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9780593332016
誠品26碼 /
重量(g) / 408.2
級別 / N:無
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.3X21.8X1.5CM
裝訂 / P:平裝
頁數 / 128
