Kamala's Way: An American Life
作者 | Dan Morain |
商品描述 | Kamala's Way: An American Life:2020年,嬌小的賀錦麗在佛羅里達州參加競選集會,她穿著帆布鞋,撐著傘,跟著擴音器裡的音樂漫步搖擺,不時大笑。幾天後,《華爾街日報》 |
作者 | Dan Morain |
商品描述 | Kamala's Way: An American Life:2020年,嬌小的賀錦麗在佛羅里達州參加競選集會,她穿著帆布鞋,撐著傘,跟著擴音器裡的音樂漫步搖擺,不時大笑。幾天後,《華爾街日報》 |
內容簡介 2020年,嬌小的賀錦麗在佛羅里達州參加競選集會,她穿著帆布鞋,撐著傘,跟著擴音器裡的音樂漫步搖擺,不時大笑。幾天後,《華爾街日報》專欄文章批評:「副總統候選人這樣跳舞……很輕佻。」同一時間,川普總統跟著音樂搖擺,媒體說他有魅力、很親民;明明是同一種場合,怎麼換成女候選人賀錦麗,就成了輕佻?這場選舉結果,賀錦麗成了美國開國以來首位女性副總統。她的宣傳口號:拿出勇氣,而非禮貌客氣。(Courage, Not Courtesy.)型塑了她非常強烈的個人風格。本書由美國加州資深政治記者丹‧莫藍執筆,是全球第一本記者角度的賀錦麗傳。賀錦麗,1964年出生在加州奧克蘭,擁有經濟學、政治學和法律學位,曾擔任舊金山地區檢察官、加州檢察總長,2016年當選加州參議員。2020年,她和拜登搭檔參選美國正副總統,成為美國有史以來首位亞裔、非裔的女性副總統,很多人因此稱她為女版歐巴馬。她從小被父母帶著參加民運,坐在嬰兒車裡甚至能脫口而出「自由」;任職地方檢察官時,把轄區定罪率提高到15年來的最高水準,不姑息、拒關說;加州第一位非裔女檢察總長,力挺同性婚姻法案,還親自主持婚禮。為推動槍枝管制法案,她重複三個詞「小孩子、小孩子、小孩子」,讓全場動容;為了替繳不出貸款而失去房子的屋主爭取權益,不惜跟華爾街五大銀行槓上:「我來告訴你們,什麼才是真正的大到不能倒!」之後,她在擔任參議員期間,質疑川普競選總統時,與俄羅斯有不當聯繫,邀請時任司法部副部長羅森斯坦上臺說明,卻因言詞犀利、力道猛烈,被委員會主席責備:「客氣點,對官員沒禮貌。」賀錦麗和幕僚反而利用此事件想出了迷因口號:「拿出勇氣,而非客氣。」(Courage, Not Courtesy.)這句口號不僅是宣傳,更像總結她一直以來的「行徑」。這句話迅速傳播開來,民眾爭相購買印著此標語的商品,甚至成了潮T,從此川普再也不能無視她,還用一大堆奧步醜化賀錦麗,主炮火轉向副手候選人,也算開了先例。賀錦麗就是這樣,每每被人唱衰,卻一再創下先例,看她如何因應每一段人生經歷,我們明白這口號可不是喊喊而已:活出勇氣,我從不客氣。(中文書介出自大是文化有限公司)A revelatory biography of the first Black woman elected Vice President of the United States—and in a history-making turn of events the Democrats’ 2024 Presidential nominee—charting how the daughter of two immigrants in segregated California became one of this country’s most effective power players.There’s very little that’s conventional about Kamala Harris, and yet her personal story also represents the best of America. She grew up the eldest daughter of a single mother, a no-nonsense cancer researcher who emigrated from India at the age of nineteen in search of a better education. She and her husband, an accomplished economist from Jamaica, split up when Kamala was only five.The Kamala Harris the public knows today is tough, smart, quick-witted, and demanding. She’s a prosecutor—her one-liners are legendary—but she’s more reticent when it comes to sharing much about herself, even in her memoirs. Fortunately, former Los Angeles Times reporter Dan Morain has been there from the start.In Kamala’s Way, he “offers an essential roadmap” (Politico) to her career from its beginnings handling child molestation cases and homicides for the Alameda County District Attorney’s office and her relationship as a twenty-nine-year-old with the most powerful man in the state: married Assembly Speaker Willie Brown, a relationship that would prove life-changing. Morain takes readers through Harris’s years in the San Francisco District Attorney’s Office, explores her audacious embrace of the little-known Barack Obama, and shows the sharp elbows she deployed to make it to the US Senate. He analyzes her failure as a presidential candidate and the behind-the-scenes campaign she waged to land the Vice President spot. Along the way, he paints a “revealing portrait” (The New York Times Book Review) of her values and priorities, the sorts of problems she’s good at solving, and the missteps, risks, and bold moves she’s made on her way to the top.
各界推薦 "Detailed and dutiful...Ms. Harris—as is her prerogative—omitted much detail from her own autobiography. Mr. Morain has filled in many of those blanks." – The Wall Street Journal"A revealing portrait of the people and events surrounding Harris’s rise to political stardom." –New York Times Book Review"Morain brings deep familiarity with California politics to an admiring, yet balanced, biography of Harris... A brisk, well-informed narrative of political ascendancy." – Kirkus Reviews (starred review)
作者介紹 Dan MorainDan Morain has covered California policy, politics, and justice-related issues for more than four decades, including twenty-seven years at the Los Angeles Times and eight at The Sacramento Bee, where he was editorial page editor.
書名 / | Kamala's Way: An American Life |
作者 / | Dan Morain |
簡介 / | Kamala's Way: An American Life:2020年,嬌小的賀錦麗在佛羅里達州參加競選集會,她穿著帆布鞋,撐著傘,跟著擴音器裡的音樂漫步搖擺,不時大笑。幾天後,《華爾街日報》 |
ISBN13 / | 9781982175771 |
ISBN10 / | |
EAN / | 9781982175771 |
誠品26碼 / | 2682645092008 |
頁數 / | 304 |
裝訂 / | P:平裝 |
語言 / | 3:英文 |
尺寸 / | 21.3 x 14 x 1.8 |
級別 / | N:無 |
提供維修 / | 無 |
最佳賣點 : 2024年美國總統大選候選人賀錦麗傳記