Malady of the Mind: Schizophrenia and the Path to Prevention | 誠品線上

Malady of the Mind: Schizophrenia and the Path to Prevention

作者 Jeffrey A. Lieberman
商品描述 Malady of the Mind: Schizophrenia and the Path to Prevention:【探究精神分裂症的起源與歷史:起源、迷思與如何預防】思覺失調症是否為不治之病?從現代醫學的觀點切入


內容簡介 思覺失調症是否為不治之病?從現代醫學的觀點切入並尋找預防與治療之道。 Jeffery Lieberman為精神科專門醫生,在他長達40年的醫治經驗與研究中,從過去、現在與未來的醫療近程與發展,揭示這個令人恐懼病症的來歷與發展。 他解釋人腦運作的複雜模式,以及過去在醫療法規和療程上的錯誤認知造成許多病人失去康復機會。所幸在現代醫學進步的研究下,結合心理醫生協助檢測和適合的藥物給予,醫生能夠在早期便診斷出思覺失調症,甚至,在可期的未來中,提前預防並改善病人狀況。 Jeffery Lieberman為美國CATIE(Clinical Antipsychotic Trials of Intervention Effectiveness)首席研究員,該機構由美國國家衛生研究所贊助,針對思覺失調症的藥物治療進行研究。 Of the many myths and misconceptions that obscure our understanding of schizophrenia, the most pernicious is that there is no effective treatment or cure. Though that may have been true in the past, the current reality couldn’t be more different: today’s treatments have the potential to be game-changing—and often lifesaving. This powerful portrait of schizophrenia, the most malignant and mysterious mental illness, by renowned psychiatrist Jeffrey Lieberman, interweaves cultural and scientific history with dramatic patient profiles and clinical experiences to impart a revolutionary message of hope. For the first time in history, we can effectively treat schizophrenia, limiting its disabling effects—and we’re on the verge of being able to prevent the disease’s onset entirely. In this rigorously researched, profoundly compelling biography of schizophrenia, Dr. Jeffrey Lieberman draws on his four-decade career to illuminate the past, present, and future of this historically dreaded and devastating illness. From his vantage point at the pinnacle of academic psychiatry, informed by extensive research experience and clinical care of thousands of patients, Dr. Lieberman explains how the complexity of the brain, the checkered history of psychiatric medicine, and centuries of stigma combined with misguided legislation and health care policies have impeded scientific advances and clinical progress. Despite this, there is reason for optimism: by offering evidence-based treatments that combine medication with psychosocial services and principles learned from the recovery movement, doctors can now effectively treat schizophrenia by diagnosing patients at a very early stage, achieving a mutually respectful therapeutic alliance, and preventing relapse, thus limiting the progression of the illness. Even more auspiciously, decades of work on diagnosis, detection, and early intervention have pushed scientific progress to the cusp of prevention—meaning that in the near future, doctors may be able to prevent the onset of this disorder. A must-read for fans of medical histories, psychology, and those whose lives have been affected by schizophrenia, this revelatory work offers a comprehensive scientific portrait, crucial insights, sound advice for families and friends, and most importantly, hope for sufferers now and in the generations to come.


作者介紹 Jeffrey A. LiebermanJeffrey A. Lieberman, MD, is a member of the National Academy of Medicine, the recipient of many national awards, and served as President of the American Psychiatric Association in 2013 and 2014. His research led to the therapeutic strategy for the early detection and prevention of schizophrenia. A frequent public spokesperson on mental illness and psychiatry, Dr. Lieberman is also the author of Shrinks: The Untold Story of Psychiatry, which became the basis for a four-part PBS series titled Mysteries of Mental Illness.


書名 / Malady of the Mind: Schizophrenia and the Path to Prevention
作者 / Jeffrey A. Lieberman
簡介 / Malady of the Mind: Schizophrenia and the Path to Prevention:【探究精神分裂症的起源與歷史:起源、迷思與如何預防】思覺失調症是否為不治之病?從現代醫學的觀點切入
ISBN13 / 9781982136420
ISBN10 / 1982136421
EAN / 9781982136420
誠品26碼 / 2682288292001
頁數 / 544
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.9X15.2X2CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 探究精神分裂症的起源與歷史:起源、迷思與如何預防