Blurb Your Enthusiasm: An A-Z of Literary Persuasion | 誠品線上

Blurb Your Enthusiasm: An A-Z of Literary Persuasion

作者 Louise Willder
出版社 OneWorld Publications
商品描述 Blurb Your Enthusiasm: An A-Z of Literary Persuasion:【偉大的文學作品與他們的…文宣情仇史?漫談經典作品出版背後的小故事】關於書,關於那些偉大的文學作品,你不知


內容簡介 關於書,關於那些偉大的文學作品,你不知道的秘辛與小故事!你知道有一本書叫做“The High Bouncing Lover”(高彈跳戀人?)或著“Trimalchio in the West Egg”(西卵鎮的暴發戶?)你一定聽過,因為這兩個名字都是世界經典名作《大亨小傳》曾經考慮的書名。大家都說最棒的小說開頭句是托爾斯泰的《安娜‧卡列尼那》「幸福的家庭各個相似,不幸的家庭則各自不同」,或是《白鯨記》的開頭句「叫我伊什梅爾」但你知道現代小說也有很多令人印象深刻、甚至讓小說大賣的開頭句嗎?作者Louis Wilder已在知名英國出版社Penguin Books擔任書籍廣告文案超過25年,經手的文案粗估大約5000多個,喜愛文學的她爬梳過去出版史和文學史上那些不為人知的宣傳秘辛與趣事,包括那些討厭宣傳文字寧願燒書也不想賣的作者、因為改了書名成為經典代表作的書、還有...真的在書封上放一隻動物就會大賣嗎?A dazzling dictionary of book blurbs, filled with writing tips, literary folklore and publishing secrets'A small masterpiece. There is something funny, notable or awe-inspiring on every single page’ Jenny Colgan, SpectatorA joyful celebration of books – the perfect gift for bibliophiles, word lovers and anyone who’s ever wondered, should you judge a book by its cover?We love the words in books – but what about the words on them? How do they work their magic? Here is a book about the ways books entice us to read them: their titles, quotes, covers and, above all, blurbs – via authors from Jane Austen to Zadie Smith, writing tricks, classic literature, bonkbusters, plot spoilers and publishing secrets. It’s nothing less than the inside story of the outside of books.And it answers questions like:Why do some authors hate blurbs so much they burn their own books?Should all adjectives be murdered?Is blurbing sometimes maybe lying?Is it true that (checks jacket) you need an animal on a book’s cover to make it a bestseller?What are the most terrible blurbs of all time?Join Penguin publishing word wizard Louise Willder – five thousand blurbs written, mostly avoiding the phrase ‘unputdownable tour-de-force’ – to discover why we should judge a book by its cover. Even this one. (It’s an unputdownable tour-de-force.)‘The bookiest book about books you’ll ever read – I loved it’ Lucy Mangan‘Truly delightful...I couldn’t have had more fun’ Benjamin Dreyer‘Very funny, erudite and profound. A delight!’ Nina Stibbe"


作者介紹 Louise WillderLouise Willder has been a copywriter at Penguin Books for twenty-five years. During this time, she estimates she has produced about 5,000 blurbs. She doesn’t follow people round bookshops, willing them to buy books she’s written the copy for. Really, she doesn’t.


書名 / Blurb Your Enthusiasm: An A-Z of Literary Persuasion
作者 / Louise Willder
簡介 / Blurb Your Enthusiasm: An A-Z of Literary Persuasion:【偉大的文學作品與他們的…文宣情仇史?漫談經典作品出版背後的小故事】關於書,關於那些偉大的文學作品,你不知
出版社 / OneWorld Publications
ISBN13 / 9780861542178
ISBN10 / 0861542177
EAN / 9780861542178
誠品26碼 / 2682273649001
頁數 / 352
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X13X3.3CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 偉大的文學作品與他們的…文宣情仇史?漫談經典作品出版背後的小故事
