Novelist as a Vocation | 誠品線上

Novelist as a Vocation

作者 Haruki Murakami
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 Novelist as a Vocation:村上春樹《身為職業小說家》英譯本Acharminglyidiosyncraticlookatwriting,creativity,andtheauthor'sownnovels,fromthebelovedandbest-sellingau


內容簡介 村上春樹《身為職業小說家》英譯本✰ 紐時、衛報等媒體好評推薦全球暢銷作家村上春樹以低調著稱。他在書中分享對身為小說家、小說之於社會的作用等種種思考,讀者可藉此一窺大師寫作的堂奧。村上春樹的自傳性隨筆,首度面對全世界「本書是村上春樹自述如何寫小說的書。幾乎等於他的生活自述。」--知名文學翻譯.評論家/柴田元幸一個人,四十年,十三部長篇小說為誰寫?如何寫?為什麼繼續寫?寫小說心要多強?村上春樹第一次真正面對全世界讀者,深入思考、詳盡敘述自己所寫小說的現場,和背後文學涵養。出乎讀者預期的一本書,終於出現!雖然擁有享譽全世界的高知名度,但許多事情始終包覆在神秘的面紗中,全書變化豐富的結構,滿載自傳性故事,伴隨趣味幽默,坦誠揭開秘密。村上的讀者是誰,男女各半,還是美女居多呢?收到過多少讀者來信?芥川獎、諾貝爾獎等,時常圍繞作家身邊的「文學獎」,村上怎麼想?為什麼,以什麼形式,從什麼時候開始離開日本,經過什麼樣的惡戰苦鬥之後,朝世界出走?一度視為「可逃場所不足」的學校,如今如何看待求學?對於經歷過311福島核災的日本,看出什麼樣的問題?當初為什麼選擇小說家這樣不可思議的職業,此後,近四十年漫長歲月,如何能以不衰退的創造力直到現在繼續寫下去?上述一切問題,關於「作家?村上春樹」的種種,誠實而強壯的思考軌跡,盡在於此。村上說:「寫小說時最重要的寶藏,就是具體細節的豐富收藏。」不要失去健全的野心。本中文書介出自《身為職業小說家》時報文化出版企業股份有限公司出版NEW YORK TIMES BEST SELLER • An insightful look into the mind of a master storyteller—and a unique look at the craft of writing from the beloved and best-selling author of 1Q84, Norwegian Wood, and What I Talk About When I Talk About Running.“Murakami is like a magician who explains what he’s doing as he performs the trick and still makes you believe he has supernatural powers” —New York Times Book ReviewA MOST ANTICIPATED BOOK: Esquire, Vulture, LitHub, New York ObserverAspiring writers and readers who have long wondered where the mysterious novelist gets his ideas and what inspires his strangely surreal worlds will be fascinated by this engaging book from the internationally best-selling author. Haruki Murakami now shares with readers his thoughts on the role of the novel in our society; his own origins as a writer; and his musings on the sparks of creativity that inspire other writers, artists, and musicians.Here are the personal details of a life devoted to craft: the initial moment at a Yakult Swallows baseball game, when he suddenly knew he could write a novel; the importance of memory, what he calls a writer’s “mental chest of drawers”; the necessity of loneliness, patience, and his daily running routine; the seminal role a carrier pigeon played in his career and more. “What I want to say is that in a certain sense, while the novelist is creating a novel, he is simultaneously being created by the novel as well.” —Haruki Murakami"


作者介紹 Haruki MurakamiHaruki Murakami was born in Kyoto in 1949 and now lives near Tokyo. His work has been translated into more than fifty languages, and one of the most recent of his many international honors is the Cino Del Duca World Prize, whose previous recipients include Jorge Luis Borges, Ismail Kadare, Mario Vargas Llosa, and Joyce Carol Oates.


書名 / Novelist as a Vocation
作者 / Haruki Murakami
簡介 / Novelist as a Vocation:村上春樹《身為職業小說家》英譯本Acharminglyidiosyncraticlookatwriting,creativity,andtheauthor'sownnovels,fromthebelovedandbest-sellingau
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9780451494641
ISBN10 / 0451494644
EAN / 9780451494641
誠品26碼 / 2682256013003
頁數 / 224
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21X14.3X1.7CM
級別 / N:無
