Death on Gokumon Island | 誠品線上

Death on Gokumon Island

作者 橫溝正史
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 Death on Gokumon Island:橫溝正史《獄門島》英文版。DetectiveKosukeKindaichiarrivesontheremoteGokumonIslandbearingtragicnews—hisfriendandfellowsoldier,thesonofo


內容簡介 《週刊文春》票選「東西推理小說BEST100」第1名!「日本推理小說史上最高傑作,不可不讀」──傅博(文藝評論家)本格推理宗師橫溝正史不朽的傳奇經典之作──過分的美,是上天的恩寵還是詛咒?充滿死亡氣息的不潔之島,接連發生駭人聽聞的殺人事件,冶豔的少女們一一死於兇手精心布置的命案現場!怵目驚心的死亡場景、究極華麗的犯罪美學金田一耕助系列六度影視化傳奇老梅樹。吊鐘。祈禱房。三個匪夷所思的死亡地點,三具死狀淒慘的屍體,連續恐怖命案背後,更令人駭異的是主謀者純然冷血的殺機!金田一耕助能否找出看似不可能犯罪的兇手,破解三重謎團?【故事簡介】獄門島自古即是流放罪犯、海盜出沒之地,島上居民全是海盜與最罪犯的後代。獄門島首富繼承人鬼頭千萬太臨終前,請求同袍金田一耕助前往獄門島拯救三個妹妹的性命。然而,隨著金田一耕助抵達島上,死神的陰影正步步進逼……就在千萬太的守靈夜,么妹即離奇慘死……,千萬太如何預見死神的腳步?其他兩個妹妹能否逃過一劫?本中文書介出自《獄門島》獨步文化出版A fiendish, classic locked room murder mystery, from one of Japan's greatest crime writers, that’s perfect for fans of Lucy Foley and Ruth Ware“An exceptional whodunit... The brilliant and intricate plot will keep readers turning the pages.” --Publishers Weekly, starred review“Seishi Yokomizo took a pinch of John Dickson Carr and a dash of Agatha Christie in creating Kosuke Kindaichi, solver of impossible crimes... Kosuke’s arrival on Gokumon Island coincides with a string of bizarre and gruesome murders. As deaths mount, the quirky, endearing detective strings together the clues to solve this fiendish puzzle.” -- Sarah Weinman, New York TimesDetective Kosuke Kindaichi arrives on the remote Gokumon Island bearing tragic news—his friend and fellow soldier, the son of one of the island's most important families has died, on a troop transport ship bringing him back home after the Second World War. But Kindaichi has not come merely as a messenger--with his last words, the dying man warned that his three step-sisters' lives would now be in danger. The scruffy detective is determined to get to the bottom of this mysterious prophesy, and to protect the three women if he can.As Kindaichi attempts to unravel the island's secrets, a series of gruesome murders begins. He investigates, but soon finds himself in mortal danger from both the unknown killer and the clannish locals, who resent this outsider meddling in their affairs.Loosely inspired by Agatha Christie's And Then There Were None, the sensational second outing of Japan’s most famous detective is perhaps the most highly regarded of all the great Seishi Yokomizo's classic Japanese mysteries."


作者介紹 Seishi Yokomizo Seishi Yokomizo (1902-81) was one of Japan's most famous and best-loved mystery writers. He was born in Kobe and spent his childhood reading detective stories, before beginning to write stories of his own, the first of which was published in 1921. He went on to become an extremely prolific and popular author, best known for his Kosuke Kindaichi series, which ran to 77 books, many of which were adapted for stage and television in Japan. Gokumon Island is one of Seishi Yokomizo's most highly regarded mysteries. The Honjin Murders, The Inugami Curse and The Village of Eight Graves are also available from Pushkin Vertigo.Louise Heal Kawai Louise Heal Kawai has been a translator of Japanese literature since 2005. She loves to translate all genres of contemporary fiction. Besides the novels on this list, has published many short stories in online magazines and journals, play scripts and the odd poem. She is always working on something, so look out in 2022 for her newest translations..


書名 / Death on Gokumon Island
作者 / 橫溝正史
簡介 / Death on Gokumon Island:橫溝正史《獄門島》英文版。DetectiveKosukeKindaichiarrivesontheremoteGokumonIslandbearingtragicnews—hisfriendandfellowsoldier,thesonofo
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9781782277415
ISBN10 / 1782277412
EAN / 9781782277415
誠品26碼 / 2682173568006
頁數 / 320
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9X2.1CM
級別 / N:無