The Cloud of Unknowing Distilled | 誠品線上

The Cloud of Unknowing Distilled

作者 Daniel London
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 The Cloud of Unknowing Distilled:DoyoubelievethatGodistheself-givingLovethatmovesthesunandotherstarsaswellastheLovethatisclosertoyouthanyourverybreath?Ifnot,pl


內容簡介 Do you believe that God is the self-giving Love that moves the sun and other stars as well as the Love that is closer to you than your very breath?If not, please stop reading altogether. If so, then proceed...As Daniel London's concise introduction explains, The Cloud of Unknowing teaches us that God is not a thought or an idea, but a loving presence to be encountered in the simplicity of silence. Whether you have treasured this classic text for years or are coming to it for the first time, you will find something here that speaks to your soul and invites you more deeply into the life of prayer.-Arthur Holder, PhD, Professor of Christian Spirituality, Graduate Theological Union, editor of Christian Spirituality: The Classics and The Blackwell Companion to Christian Spirituality Like meeting an old friend after an absence and immediately being on intimate terms again, I met the essence of the beloved author of "the Cloud." This devotional brought me to tears and to belly laughs with that familiar wisdom and wink of slyness I have loved throughout my life. Daniel DeForest London has indeed distilled the author's authentic voice.-Suzanne Guthrie, author of Praying the Hours and Grace's Window: Entering the Seasons of Prayer


書名 / The Cloud of Unknowing Distilled
作者 / Daniel London
簡介 / The Cloud of Unknowing Distilled:DoyoubelievethatGodistheself-givingLovethatmovesthesunandotherstarsaswellastheLovethatisclosertoyouthanyourverybreath?Ifnot,pl
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9781949643909
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781949643909
誠品26碼 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
頁數 / 110
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
尺寸 / 21.6X14.0X0.7CM
