內容簡介 當改變發生,你有沒有勇氣展開另一種人生﹖過去,我們總以為只要認真努力,擁抱簡單的成功公式:心無旁騖,犧牲個人生活,一心一意往上爬,辛苦總會有代價。如今,我們領悟到人生不是一路往上衝,高峰過後可能就是谷底;不管是誰,現在多閃耀、多風光,有一天都會走下坡。當人生從走得光彩奪目變成走鋼索,該如何活出新意義?許多拚命三郎,發現愈來愈力不從心,家庭關係也開始變得緊張。面對人生的四分五裂,他們以一貫方式回應,否認愈來愈明顯的變化,加倍努力,試圖彌補衰退與不足,最後結局卻往往陷入更大的憤怒、害怕與失望。原本以為到了人生某個階段,生活就會更令人自豪,充滿喜悅與滿足感。然而,事與願違。你的人生不必這樣過。破解奮鬥者的詛咒,把害怕做出的人生改變,轉變成全新的力量泉源。哈佛大學教授布魯克斯幫助你打破「奮鬥者的詛咒」,從科學、哲學、神學、歷史的角度出發,分享違反直覺的策略,教你戒除舊習慣,培養新的生活方式,發掘潛在的生命價值。‧重新思考成功︰不自我物化,戒掉對成功的癮。‧活好︰思考失敗/死亡,擊敗恐懼,好好活著。‧認識自己︰從追求外在成就,到發展內在力量。‧化脆弱為力量:分享脆弱,生活中的愛會成長。人生不會因為無條件的相信和努力就變得幸福,有時候你必須捨棄,才會發現生活中真正重要的事情。當改變發生,你不一定要為此感到痛苦。這本書教你以優雅的姿態,帶著喜悅與更深層的使命感,接受挫折帶來的禮物。本中文書介出自《重啟人生: 一個哈佛教授的生命領悟, 給你把餘生過好的簡單建議》天下雜誌股份有限公司出版INSTANT #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER“In this book, Arthur C. Brooks helps people find greater happiness as they age and change.” —The Dalai LamaThe roadmap for finding purpose, meaning, and success as we age, from bestselling author, Harvard professor, and the Atlantic’s happiness columnist Arthur Brooks.Many of us assume that the more successful we are, the less susceptible we become to the sense of professional and social irrelevance that often accompanies aging. But the truth is, the greater our achievements and our attachment to them, the more we notice our decline, and the more painful it is when it occurs.What can we do, starting now, to make our older years a time of happiness, purpose, and yes, success?At the height of his career at the age of 50, Arthur Brooks embarked on a seven-year journey to discover how to transform his future from one of disappointment over waning abilities into an opportunity for progress. From Strength to Strength is the result, a practical roadmap for the rest of your life.Drawing on social science, philosophy, biography, theology, and eastern wisdom, as well as dozens of interviews with everyday men and women, Brooks shows us that true life success is well within our reach. By refocusing on certain priorities and habits that anyone can learn, such as deep wisdom, detachment from empty rewards, connection and service to others, and spiritual progress, we can set ourselves up for increased happiness.Read this book and you, too, can go from strength to strength.
作者介紹 Arthur C. BrooksArthur C. Brooks is an American social scientist, the William Henry Bloomberg Professor of the Practice of Public Leadership at the Harvard Kennedy School, and Professor of Management Practice at the Harvard Business School. Prior, he was the president of the American Enterprise Institute for ten years, where he held the Beth and Ravenel Curry Chair in Free Enterprise. He has authored eleven books, including the bestsellers Love Your Enemies and The Conservative Heart, and writes the popular How to Build a Life column at The Atlantic. He is also the host of the podcast The Art of Happiness with Arthur Brooks.