Freedom Seeker | 誠品線上

Freedom Seeker

作者 Beth Kempton
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Freedom Seeker:Doyoufeelstressed,exhaustedandweigheddownbyresponsibility?Areyouitchingtodosomethingdifferent,butdon'tknowwhatorhow?Isfearholdingyoubackfromlivi


內容簡介 Do you feel stressed, exhausted and weighed down by responsibility? Are you itching to do something different, but don't know what or how? Is fear holding you back from living the life you want?Beth Kempton went from being a life-loving, risk-taking adventurer to a grown-up, settled-down mother, wife and business owner, before realizing the life she had built was suffocating her. She set out on a journey to find personal freedom, and along the way encountered many others who were also feeling trapped - by their circumstances, relationships, finances, beliefs, doubts and fears. Freedom Seeker brings together the insights, techniques and wisdom that Beth learned on her journey to freedom, including her unique system of 8 Freedom Keys which will help you to: - Get clarity on what really matters to you - Figure out how to live the life you want, whatever your circumstances - Make a shift from worry and fear to feeling alive and inspired - Find the courage and confidence to shape your future - Reignite old passions, and discover new ones - Feel much freer, and happier, every single day Full of profound lessons, powerful exercises and inspiring tales, this honest and courageous book will help you to live more, worry less and find a way to do what you love, every day.


作者介紹 Beth Kempton is lifelong adventurer whose quest for freedom has taken her to the ends of the earth, and given her a catalogue of wild and crazy experiences. Beth has lived, worked, and travelled in 50+ countries on every continent. She has worked with UN agencies, global brands, and NGOs all over the world, advising on corporate social responsibility, instigating projects that have raised over $10 million for charity, and earning a Master's degree in Japanese. That was all before she founded Do What You Love, which delivers transformational online courses to help people find personal, professional and financial freedom. She loves nature, good food, laughing and chocolate. She lives England with her husband and two sweet girls who have shown her what freedom really means.


書名 / Freedom Seeker
作者 / Beth Kempton
簡介 / Freedom Seeker:Doyoufeelstressed,exhaustedandweigheddownbyresponsibility?Areyouitchingtodosomethingdifferent,butdon'tknowwhatorhow?Isfearholdingyoubackfromlivi
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9781401968489
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781401968489
誠品26碼 /
重量(g) / 390.1
級別 / N:無
裝訂 / P:平裝
頁數 / 304
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 21.6X14.0X1.8CM
