Spirit Walk: Study Guide: Study Guide | 誠品線上

Spirit Walk: Study Guide: Study Guide

作者 L. Stone ; Laura Smith
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Spirit Walk: Study Guide: Study Guide:IntheWesternchurch,ourexperiencewiththeHolySpiritrangesfromuntetheredemotionalismtoimpersonalintellectualism-butHeisneith


內容簡介 Awaken to Life in the Holy SpiritIn the Western church, our experience with the Holy Spirit ranges from untethered emotionalism to impersonal intellectualism-but He is neither untethered nor impersonal. The Holy Spirit is the trustworthy third person of the Trinity, and His power is essential to all life transformation and ministry fruitfulness. In Spirit Walk (Special Edition), Steve Smith lays out a biblical framework for understanding the Holy Spirit's work, knowing Him intimately, and being filled with His power to accomplish His purposes. The extraordinary power we see at work in Acts is still available to every believer today, whether you need a movement of God in your personal life or in your ministry. We need only believe what the word of God says and put it into practice!Spirit Walk: Study Guide is designed for either individual or small group use. In eight sessions of five days each, it guides you through the process of digesting biblical paradigms, surrendering to the Holy Spirit, being filled with the Holy Spirit, and cultivating an authentic relationship with Him. Along the way you will learn practices and rhythms for long-term spiritual growth. Become a doer of the Word as you engage in this study, and join believers who have gone before you to discover the biblical path of the Spirit Walk.


作者介紹 Laura Smith, wife to Steve Smith, author of Spirit Walk (Special Edition), has participated in shaping disciple-making movements through training and ministry around the world. Ater Steve's passing 2019, the Lord led her to a partnership with L. Stone to train a new generation of believers in the ancient path of the Spirit Walk. L. Stone (Lauren) was introduced to the Smith's T4T principals and disciple-making movements in 2011 while living in Asia. Out of her work teaching and writing Bible studies, Lauren partnered with Laura to develop this study guide. Lauren and her husband, Justin, have a heart for making disciples in the US and abroad.


書名 / Spirit Walk: Study Guide: Study Guide
作者 / L. Stone ; Laura Smith
簡介 / Spirit Walk: Study Guide: Study Guide:IntheWesternchurch,ourexperiencewiththeHolySpiritrangesfromuntetheredemotionalismtoimpersonalintellectualism-butHeisneith
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9781645083351
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781645083351
誠品26碼 /
重量(g) / 226.8
頁數 / 106
級別 / N:無
尺寸 / 25.4X20.3X0.6CM
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
