作者介紹 Oliver has been using graphic organisers for five decades, wrote a clutch of books about their use in school 20 years ago, and since then has been training teachers in their use. For a decade he was a headteacher of a special school. More recently, he has specialised in visualising educational ideas and processes, as well as illustrating books for leading educationalists such as professor Paul Kirschner and the Learning Scientists. His biggest project is his collaboration with Tom Sherrington on the Teaching WalkThru books and online resources. David is the head of year 10 and 11 and a geography teacher at a school in Lincolnshire. He has previously spotlighted in books written by Kate Jones and illustrated a series of graphic organisers, which appear in Michael Chiles's The Feedback Pendulum. Whilst David has used graphic organisers in his teaching for many years, it is only more recently -- charged by the cognitive science movement -- that he has unearthed their full potential. David hopes that Organise Ideas serves to give teachers confidence and the knowledge to use graphic organisers.