Moses and the Ten Plagues Study Guide | 誠品線上

Moses and the Ten Plagues Study Guide

作者 Rick Renner
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Moses and the Ten Plagues Study Guide:UnderstandGod'sPlanInThe'TenPlagues'!MosesandtheTenPlaguesfocusesononeofthemostexcitingstoriesoftheOldTestament.Inthisriv


內容簡介 Understand God's Plan In The 'Ten Plagues'! Moses and the Ten Plagues focuses on one of the most exciting stories of the Old Testament. In this riveting ten-part series, Rick Renner will open this story to you as you've never heard it before - and amazingly bring out new details and insights that will help you understand the power of God to deliver you from any attack of the enemy.In this series, you'll learn: - Why Pharaoh ordered all the Hebrew male babies to be killed.- Why Moses was named Moses and was originally raised to be the next Pharaoh of Egypt.- How Moses encountered God on Mount Horeb.- Why God put a rod in Moses' hand and why God sent the ten plagues against Egypt.- And so much more!If you're ready to dive deep into this story as you never have before, this is the series for you! By the time you're finished, you'll understand the power of Almighty God that's available to work for your deliverance!


書名 / Moses and the Ten Plagues Study Guide
作者 / Rick Renner
簡介 / Moses and the Ten Plagues Study Guide:UnderstandGod'sPlanInThe'TenPlagues'!MosesandtheTenPlaguesfocusesononeofthemostexcitingstoriesoftheOldTestament.Inthisriv
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9781680318715
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781680318715
誠品26碼 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
頁數 / 124
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
尺寸 / 21.6X14.0X0.7CM
重量(g) / 149.7
