The Book of Raven: Corvids in Art and Legend | 誠品線上

The Book of Raven: Corvids in Art and Legend

作者 Angus Hyland ; Caroline Roberts
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 The Book of Raven: Corvids in Art and Legend:Corvidsplayanoutsizeroleinthehumanimagination.Wekeepravensintowers,emblazonrooksonbanners,findcrowsintheconstellat


內容簡介 Corvids play an outsize role in the human imagination. We keep ravens in towers, emblazon rooks on banners, find crows in the constellations and make sure to salute solitary magpies. We also see our own behaviour mirrored in this diverse family of birds, who are tricksters and thieves as well as problem-solvers and gift-givers. This beautifully designed book showcases the visual and literary life of the corvid, from Norse legends to Game of Thrones. It includes beautiful and darkly seductive photographs and paintings as well as texts and poems in which they play a starring role and information about the traits that make them so intriguing to us.


作者介紹 Angus Hyland is a graduate of the Royal College of Art and a partner at Pentagram Design London. His previous books include Hand to Eye, The Picture Book, Symbol and The Purple Book. Caroline Roberts is a journalist and author who writes mainly about the graphic arts. She is the co-author of New Book Design, Cut & Paste: 21st-Century Collage and most recently 50 Years of Illustration. She was the founder of Grafik magazine.


書名 / The Book of Raven: Corvids in Art and Legend
作者 / Angus Hyland ; Caroline Roberts
簡介 / The Book of Raven: Corvids in Art and Legend:Corvidsplayanoutsizeroleinthehumanimagination.Wekeepravensintowers,emblazonrooksonbanners,findcrowsintheconstellat
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9781786277015
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781786277015
誠品26碼 /
重量(g) / 0.0
裝訂 / P:平裝
頁數 / 160
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
尺寸 / 20.9X16.2X1.6CM
尺寸 / 0.0X0.0X0.0CM
