Starfinder Rpg: Tech Revolution | 誠品線上

Starfinder Rpg: Tech Revolution

作者 Paizo
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Starfinder Rpg: Tech Revolution:Commandthegalaxy'scutting-edgetechnologiessosophisticatedthattheyrivalmagicitself!Outfityourselfwiththelatestandgreatestnewweap


內容簡介 Command the galaxy's cutting-edge technologies sosophisticated that they rival magic itself! Outfit yourself with the latest andgreatest new weapons, armor, and other gear, from high-power explosives to alienrelics that surpass conventional science. Or incorporate technologies directlyinto yourself, whether you're installing advanced cybernetic augmentations orplaying Starfinder's newest class: the nanocyte, whose body hosts an army ofrobotic nanites that obey hercommands! Outrace the speediest threats bycustomizing your own space-age vehicles, and overcome even the toughest foes bypiloting powerful battle robots using the all-new mech combat system! Seize thefuture with additional options for every class and articles exploring everyaspect of science-fantasy tech from advertising and music to virtualintelligences and security systems. Join in the Starfinder TechRevolution!


書名 / Starfinder Rpg: Tech Revolution
作者 / Paizo
簡介 / Starfinder Rpg: Tech Revolution:Commandthegalaxy'scutting-edgetechnologiessosophisticatedthattheyrivalmagicitself!Outfityourselfwiththelatestandgreatestnewweap
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9781640783522
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781640783522
誠品26碼 /
頁數 / 160
尺寸 / 27.9X21.6X3.2CM
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
尺寸 / 27.8X22.0X1.4CM
