Lana: The Lady, The Legend, The Truth | 誠品線上

Lana: The Lady, The Legend, The Truth

作者 Lana Turner
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Lana: The Lady, The Legend, The Truth:Atwhatagedoesaladybecomealegend?LanaTurneraskedherselfthisquestionafterdecadesofsuccess,scandal,romance,marriageandmother


內容簡介 At what age does a lady become a legend?Lana Turner asked herself this question after decades of success, scandal, romance, marriage and motherhood, and not a little heartbreak. Long after the span of her extraordinary career, an adoring public remains fascinated by a woman who was arguably the epitome of a Hollywood movie star. Immensely talented and equally beautiful, Lana lived the glamorous life to the hilt, rising to the heights of fame and experiencing everything that came with it, both good and bad.Lana's early story is virtually that of Cinderella's: a girl discovered at a soda shop aged fifteen and then made a star overnight. From blonde bombshell to box-office queen of the '40s, Lana led a whirlwind life ultimately marked by eight marriages and a murder trial that made her and her daughter infamous.The death of Johnny Stompato in 1958 was one of the most notorious scandals in Hollywood history, and the true facts of the case are still hotly disputed.Lana's remarkable memoir was originally published in 1982. This new edition features an introduction by Turner Classic Movies host and author Alicia Malone.


書名 / Lana: The Lady, The Legend, The Truth
作者 / Lana Turner
簡介 / Lana: The Lady, The Legend, The Truth:Atwhatagedoesaladybecomealegend?LanaTurneraskedherselfthisquestionafterdecadesofsuccess,scandal,romance,marriageandmother
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9781914150791
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781914150791
誠品26碼 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
頁數 / 252
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9X1.4CM
