Enemies Among Us: The Relocation, Internment, and Repatriation of German, Italian, and Japanese Americans During the Second World War | 誠品線上

Enemies Among Us: The Relocation, Internment, and Repatriation of German, Italian, and Japanese Americans During the Second World War

作者 John E. Schmitz
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Enemies Among Us: The Relocation, Internment, and Repatriation of German, Italian, and Japanese Americans During the Second World War:Recentdecadeshavedrawnmor


內容簡介 Recent decades have drawn more attention to the United States' treatment of Japanese Americans during World War II. Few people realize, however, the extent of the country's relocation, internment, and repatriation of German and Italian Americans, who were interned in greater numbers than Japanese Americans. The United States also assisted other countries, especially in Latin America, in expelling "dangerous" aliens, primarily Germans. In Enemies among Us John E. Schmitz examines the causes, conditions, and consequences of America's selective relocation and internment of its own citizens and enemy aliens, as well as the effects of internment on those who experienced it. Looking at German, Italian, and Japanese Americans, Schmitz analyzes the similarities in the U.S. government's procedures for those they perceived to be domestic and hemispheric threats, revealing the consistencies in the government's treatment of these groups, regardless of race. Reframing wartime relocation and internment through a broader chronological perspective and considering policies in the wider Western Hemisphere, Enemies among Us provides new conclusions as to why the United States relocated, interned, and repatriated both aliens and citizens considered enemies.


作者介紹 John E. Schmitz is a professor of history at Northern Virginia Community College-Annandale.


書名 / Enemies Among Us: The Relocation, Internment, and Repatriation of German, Italian, and Japanese Americans During the Second World War
作者 / John E. Schmitz
簡介 / Enemies Among Us: The Relocation, Internment, and Repatriation of German, Italian, and Japanese Americans During the Second World War:Recentdecadeshavedrawnmor
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9781496224149
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781496224149
誠品26碼 /
級別 / N:無
裝訂 / H:精裝
頁數 / 430
語言 / 3:英文
重量(g) / 798.3
尺寸 / 22.9X15.2X2.9CM
