Escape to King Alfred | 誠品線上

Escape to King Alfred

作者 Geoffrey Trease
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Escape to King Alfred:It's878AD,andKingAlfredofWestSaxonyisthelastSaxonhold-outagainsttheVikings.Thereisanuneasypeace,butGuthrumtheDanebreaksthetreatyandplansa


內容簡介 It's 878 AD, and King Alfred of West Saxony is the last Saxon hold-out against the Vikings. There is an uneasy peace, but Guthrum the Dane breaks the treaty and plans a surprise attack on Alfred's army. Two young Saxons, hostages of the Danes, escape to make the journey to warn King Alfred of the treachery. Wolf packs snap at their heels and the people of the countryside turn a deaf ear to their pleas, but they arrive in time. Alfred retreats to the marshy Athelney and from there plans his final battle with Guthrum. This is a memorable and exciting interpretation of a period when King Alfred was laying the foundation for a unified England, in which he would foster freedom, humanity, love of learning--indeed, civilization itself. Originally released in England as 'Mist Over Athelney.'"That passed. This also may."Deor's Lament as sung by King Alfred


書名 / Escape to King Alfred
作者 / Geoffrey Trease
簡介 / Escape to King Alfred:It's878AD,andKingAlfredofWestSaxonyisthelastSaxonhold-outagainsttheVikings.Thereisanuneasypeace,butGuthrumtheDanebreaksthetreatyandplansa
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9781955402002
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781955402002
誠品26碼 /
尺寸 / 21.6X14.0X1.2CM
重量(g) / 267.6
裝訂 / P:平裝
頁數 / 228
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
