Finish What You Start: The Art of Following Through, Taking Action, Executing, & Self-Discipline | 誠品線上

Finish What You Start: The Art of Following Through, Taking Action, Executing, & Self-Discipline

作者 Peter Hollins
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Finish What You Start: The Art of Following Through, Taking Action, Executing, & Self-Discipline:《停止拖延的情緒行為動力學:華頓、史丹福、哈佛等名校爭相運用!學


內容簡介 心情一鬆懈,忍不住又耍廢過一天?總被說三分鐘熱度,不想再一事無成?大腦惰性、害怕失敗、錯立目標、沒時間感、難擋誘惑……「情緒」和「行為」,將決定你能否堅持到底!歐美學界權威研究!學會情緒調解+行為系統化,開啟自我驅動力,從此不再藉口懶散、半途而廢!★亞馬遜4.5顆星好評,久踞Kindle暢銷榜!★美國名校帝博大學心理學教授喬瑟夫‧法拉利(Joseph Ferrari)曾提出,每100個成年人中,約有1 5(相當於20人)是慢性或慣性拖延症者,近幾年更有攀升趨勢!□知道手邊的事很緊急,反而越想先做其他事 □被詢問進度,經常回答「我再看看」 □總覺得還有時間,明天再做也無妨 □滿心期待未來成果,但不知從何做起 □為目標(如創業、考試)安排一堆計畫,卻遲遲無法開始若你勾選上述拖延項目越多,代表「誤事」的機會越高——就算如此,你也不用過度擔心。權威心理學專家彼得‧霍林斯要告訴你,如何破除「停滯陷阱」,鍛鍊「自我驅動力」,徹底擺脫「拖延困境」,並讓你發揮最大潛力,就算面臨再討厭的事情,都能神速且有效完成!★善用「情緒行為動力學」,擺脫逃避心理,從此不再拖延《心理科學》(Psychological Science)期刊報導,拖延僅能帶來一時的愉悅感,但伴隨而來的多項壞處,卻可能造成身心長期傷害。到了最後,總是臨時抱佛腳的人,恐怕必須承受更多痛苦,而且還會表現得比別人差。《停止拖延的情緒行為動力學》彙整了華頓商學院、哈佛大學、史丹福大學等頂尖學府的研究,說明如何從「情緒」和「行為」方面著手,增加你做事的「動力」,來達到「停止拖延」的效果。只要能正視自己的逃避心理,使用正確的思考模式及做事方法,就能提升恆毅力、執行力,保證「拖延症」從此根除! 【情緒】 ►►適當的神經質:對負責事物保持強烈警覺性,一旦發生困難,就立刻解決它。 ►►群體壓力:讓他人知道你必須做的事。為避免他們失望及自我愧疚,你會避免拖延。 【行為】 ►►40-70原理:若已掌握40~70%資源,馬上執行,別浪費時間在無謂的等待上。 ►►誘因捆綁:在工作中「自我獎勵」,讓過程是愉悅的,就不會因為痛苦而想逃避。 ►►任務拆解:把工作內容拆解成數個細項,再循序漸進一個個完成,心理負擔較小。★比爾‧蓋茲親身實踐!克服「拖延症」的成功祕訣! 看似一路順遂且決策果斷的微軟創辦人比爾‧蓋茲,也曾經是個嚴重的拖延症患者──在學期間,他總在考試前兩天才開始念書、準備報告。倉促行動之下,有時可以高分過關,有時卻得面臨危機。某次,當比爾‧蓋茲在台上發表時,才發現簡報影片品質不佳、沒有聲音,結果只能勉強及格。然而,他並沒有因此產生「拖延病識感」,甚至到創業之後,仍持續拖延的壞習慣。最終,社會現實給了他殘酷一擊──「拖延」不但無法帶來幫助,反而讓自己和周遭的人痛苦,更會失去他人信任!為了徹底根除「拖延症」,比爾‧蓋茲採用了書中提及的「適當的神經質」和「40-70原理」等方法,重新正視自身對事物的逃避心理,師法行動力法則,終於成功改善!本中文書介出自《停止拖延的情緒行為動力學: 華頓、史丹福、哈佛等名校爭相運用! 學會誘因捆綁結合任務拆解, 恆毅力、執行力全面提升!》方言文化出版事業有限公司出版Practical tactics to grow your willpower, stop procrastination, focus like a laser, and achieve whatever you set your mind to. Following through and finishing what you start- more valuable skills than you realize. They are a combination of traits that enables you to create the life you want - without having to compromise or wait. The alternative is a status quo that you're stuck in. Is your life a series of unfinished tasks and intentions? That stops now. Finish What You Start is a unique deep dive into the psychology and science of accomplishment, productivity, and getting things done. It takes a thorough look why we are sometimes stuck, and gives detailed, step by step solutions you can start using today. Every phase of finishing and following through is covered, and even productivity pros will be able to learn something new. Above all else, this is a guide to understanding your brain and instincts better for optimal results. Channel massive productivity and mental toughness. Peter Hollins has studied psychology and peak human performance for over a dozen years and is a bestselling author. He has worked with dozens of individuals to unlock their potential and path towards success. His writing draws on his academic, coaching, and research experience. Resist distractions, de-motivation, temptations, laziness, and excuses. -The surprising motivations that push us past obstacles. -How daily rules and a manifesto can help you achieve. -Valuable and insightful mindsets to view productivity from entirely new lights. Seize self-control and finally accomplish your big and small goals. -The science and tactics to beating procrastination easily. -Focus and willpower pitfalls you are probably committing at this very moment. -How to beat distractions, remain focused, stay on task, and get to what matters - consistently. Transform your life through productive habits and avoiding mental traps. You only have 24 hours in the day, but so does everyone else. You can be among those who make the most and accomplish exactly what they want. The ability to finish and follow through parallels your ability to be happy and fulfilled. Your life is in your hands, so make the most of it


書名 / Finish What You Start: The Art of Following Through, Taking Action, Executing, & Self-Discipline
作者 / Peter Hollins
簡介 / Finish What You Start: The Art of Following Through, Taking Action, Executing, & Self-Discipline:《停止拖延的情緒行為動力學:華頓、史丹福、哈佛等名校爭相運用!學
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9781647430511
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781647430511
誠品26碼 /
尺寸 / 20.3X12.7X1.3CM
重量(g) / 331.1
裝訂 / H:精裝
頁數 / 206
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無