內容簡介 An alternate tale in the Madoka Magica universe, all in one complete omnibus!Magical girl Mami Tomoe is a skilled fighter with a warm personality, but she struggles with a life where survival often takes precedence over kindness. As she encounters others like her--feisty Kyouko, energetic Sayaka, cold Homura, and gentle Madoka--alliancesare formed and friendships are lost amid the ongoing fight against the witches who threaten their city. For all her power, can Mami prevent greater tragedy...or is fate truly inevitable?
作者介紹 Magica Quartet is a team formed of members of anime production studios SHAFT and Aniplex who came together to create "Puella Magi Madoka Magica." Members include Iwakami Atsuhiro, Akiyuki Shinbo, Gen Urobuchi, and Ume Aoki, who is also the creator behind "Sunshine Sketch."