Kaleidoscope Quilts-The Workbook - Print-On-Demand Edition | 誠品線上

Kaleidoscope Quilts-The Workbook - Print-On-Demand Edition

作者 Paula Nadelstern
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Kaleidoscope Quilts-The Workbook - Print-On-Demand Edition:PaulaNadelsternpresentsherpersonalapproachtoquilting,includingchoosingfabric,drafting&construction,w


內容簡介 Paula Nadelstern presents her personal approach to quilting, including choosing fabric, drafting & construction, with advice on 12 different projects, each one making a 20 square laleidoscopic block.


書名 / Kaleidoscope Quilts-The Workbook - Print-On-Demand Edition
作者 / Paula Nadelstern
簡介 / Kaleidoscope Quilts-The Workbook - Print-On-Demand Edition:PaulaNadelsternpresentsherpersonalapproachtoquilting,includingchoosingfabric,drafting&construction,w
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9781607051794
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781607051794
誠品26碼 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
頁數 / 80
尺寸 / 27.8X21.5X0.6CM
級別 / N:無
語言 / 3:英文
