Why Its OK to Ignore Politics | 誠品線上

Why Its OK to Ignore Politics

作者 Christopher Freiman
商品描述 Why Its OK to Ignore Politics:Doyoufeellikeyou’retheonlypersonatyourofficewithoutan"IVoted!"stickeronElectionDay?Itturnsoutthatyou'refarfromalone–100millione


內容簡介 Do you feel like you’re the only person at your office without an "I Voted! " sticker on Election Day? It turns out that you're far from alone – 100 million eligible U.S. voters never went to the polls in 2016. That’s about 35 million more than voted for the winning presidential candidate.In this book, Christopher Freiman explains why these 100 million need not feel guilty. Why It’s OK to Ignore Politics argues that you’re under no obligation to be politically active. Freiman addresses new objections to political abstention as well as some old chestnuts ( "But what if everyone stopped voting? "). He also synthesizes recent empirical work showing how our political motivations distort our choices and reasoning. Because participating in politics is not an effective way to do good, Freiman argues that we actually have a moral duty to disengage from politics and instead take direct action to make the world a better place.Key Features:Makes the case against a duty of political participation for a non-expert audiencePresupposes no knowledge of philosophy or political science and is written in a style free of technical jargonAddresses the standard, much-repeated arguments for why one should vote (e.g., one shouldn’t free ride on the efforts of others)Presents the growing literature on politically motivated reasoning in an accessible and entertaining wayCovers a significant amount of new ground in the debate over a duty of political participation (e.g., whether participating absolves us of our complicity in state injustice)Challenges the increasingly popular argument from philosophers and economists that swing state voting is effective altruismDiscusses the therapeutic benefits of ignoring politics—it’s good for you, your relationships, and society as a whole."


作者介紹 Christopher FreimanChristopher Freiman is Associate Professor of Philosophy at William & Mary. He is the author of Unequivocal Justice (2017).


書名 / Why Its OK to Ignore Politics
作者 / Christopher Freiman
簡介 / Why Its OK to Ignore Politics:Doyoufeellikeyou’retheonlypersonatyourofficewithoutan"IVoted!"stickeronElectionDay?Itturnsoutthatyou'refarfromalone–100millione
ISBN13 / 9781138389007
ISBN10 / 1138389005
EAN / 9781138389007
誠品26碼 / 2682106039009
頁數 / 188
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 19.8X12.9X1.1CM
級別 / N:無