Off Main Street: Barnstormers, Prophets, and Gatemouth's Gator: Essays | 誠品線上

Off Main Street: Barnstormers, Prophets, and Gatemouth's Gator: Essays

作者 Michael Perry
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Off Main Street: Barnstormers, Prophets, and Gatemouth's Gator: Essays:Whetherhe'sfightingfires,passingakidneystone,hammeringdownI-80inan18-wheeler,ormeditatin


內容簡介 Whether he's fighting fires, passing a kidney stone, hammering down I-80 in an 18-wheeler, or meditating on the relationship between cowboys and God, Michael Perry draws on his rural roots and footloose past to write from a perspective that merges the local with the global.Ranging across subjects as diverse as lot lizards, Klan wizards, and small-town funerals, Perry's writing in this wise and witty collection of essays balances earthiness with poetry, kinetics with contemplation, and is regularly salted with his unique brand of humor.


書名 / Off Main Street: Barnstormers, Prophets, and Gatemouth's Gator: Essays
作者 / Michael Perry
簡介 / Off Main Street: Barnstormers, Prophets, and Gatemouth's Gator: Essays:Whetherhe'sfightingfires,passingakidneystone,hammeringdownI-80inan18-wheeler,ormeditatin
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9780060755508
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9780060755508
誠品26碼 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
頁數 / 284
重量(g) / 249.5
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
尺寸 / 20.4X13.8X2.0CM


最佳賣點 : Whether he's fighting fires, passing a kidney stone, hammering down I-80 in an 18-wheeler, or meditating on the relationship between cowboys and God, Michael Perrys essays draw on his rural roots and footloose lifestyle in a perspective that merges the local with the global.
