Blacksmithing Projects | 誠品線上

Blacksmithing Projects

作者 Percy W. Blandford
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Blacksmithing Projects:Isblacksmithingalostart?Notaccordingtothismastercraftsman.Itmightbeoneoftheworld'smostancientcrafts,butitremainsanexcitingandessentialon


內容簡介 Is blacksmithing a lost art? Not according to this master craftsman. It might be one of the world's most ancient crafts, but it remains an exciting and essential one today. Percy W. Blandford presents twenty-four different projects: some are for novices, requiring only a few tools, improvised equipment, and a single propane torch; others call for the skill and equipment of an experienced smith. Projects include: Punches and chisels Traditional candlestickDoor latches and boltsGarden toolsWeather vanesFences and railingsTablesWheelbarrow... and many more A book of ideas and suggestions, rather than an instruction manual on blacksmithing techniques, this volume features eighty detailed figures and diagrams. It also includes lists of materials, step-by-step instructions, and suggestions for variations in design.


書名 / Blacksmithing Projects
作者 / Percy W. Blandford
簡介 / Blacksmithing Projects:Isblacksmithingalostart?Notaccordingtothismastercraftsman.Itmightbeoneoftheworld'smostancientcrafts,butitremainsanexcitingandessentialon
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9780486452760
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9780486452760
誠品26碼 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
頁數 / 144
重量(g) / 394.6
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
尺寸 / 28.1X20.7X1.0CM
頁數 / 127
