Live Green: 52 Steps for a More Sustainable Life | 誠品線上

Live Green: 52 Steps for a More Sustainable Life

作者 Jen Chillingsworth
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Live Green: 52 Steps for a More Sustainable Life:LiveGreenisapracticalguideof52sustainablelivingchanges-oneforeachweekoftheyear-youcanmaketobemoreself-sufficie


內容簡介 Live Green is a practical guide of 52 sustainable living changes - one for each week of the year - you can make to be more self-sufficient and reduce your impact on the environment. Many of us are already doing what we can to adopt a greener lifestyle. We recycle, try to reduce our waste and plastics, choose organic food when shopping, eat less meat and opt for environmentally friendly cleaning products. Yet we often wish we were doing more and it can be overwhelming to know where to start. Live Green tackles all areas of your life from your cleaning routine, home furnishings, food shopping, fashion choices, natural beauty and Christmas, and has all the ingredients to help you achieve a more sustainable year. From making your own eco-friendly cleaning products, buying vintage furniture, making your own moth repellent and improving your natural beauty regime to creating a capsule wardrobe and creating your own ethical Christmas decorations - discover how to get the most out of life by living with intention. Live simply. Live Green.


作者介紹 Jen Chillingsworth is a freelance writer and photographer. She previously worked in arts management before choosing to re-train as a market gardener. Here Jen discovered her love of plants, flowers, nature and the landscape and how important it was that we try to protect them. She writes regularly about slow and simple living, eating seasonally and green issues on her blog Little Birdie. Jen has written and photographed features published in The Simple Things magazine and 91 Magazine.


書名 / Live Green: 52 Steps for a More Sustainable Life
作者 / Jen Chillingsworth
簡介 / Live Green: 52 Steps for a More Sustainable Life:LiveGreenisapracticalguideof52sustainablelivingchanges-oneforeachweekoftheyear-youcanmaketobemoreself-sufficie
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9781787133198
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781787133198
誠品26碼 /
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
尺寸 / 16.3X12.7X2.0CM
重量(g) / 294.8
裝訂 / H:精裝