Phoebe: A Story | 誠品線上

Phoebe: A Story

作者 Paula Gooder
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Phoebe: A Story:Sometimearound56AD,theapostlePaulwrotetothechurchinRome.HeentrustedthislettertoPhoebe,whomhedescribesasthedeaconofthechurchatCenchreaeandapatro


內容簡介 Sometime around 56 AD, the apostle Paul wrote to the church in Rome. He entrusted this letter to Phoebe, whom he describes as the deacon of the church at Cenchreae and a patron of many. But who was this remarkable woman? Biblical scholar and popular author and speaker Paula Gooder imagines Phoebe's story--who she was, the life she lived, and her first-century faith--and in doing so opens up Paul's world, giving a sense of the cultural and historical pressures that shaped his thinking and the faith of the early church. After the narrative, Gooder includes an extensive notes section with comments on the historical context, biographical details, cultural practices, and more. Rigorously researched, this is a book for anyone who wants to engage more deeply and imaginatively with Paul's theology.


作者介紹 Paula Gooder (DPhil, Oxford) is a writer and lecturer in biblical studies with a passion to ignite people's enthusiasm for reading the Bible today, by presenting the best of biblical scholarship in an accessible and interesting way. She works for the Church of England as the director of mission learning and development in the Birmingham Diocese.


書名 / Phoebe: A Story
作者 / Paula Gooder
簡介 / Phoebe: A Story:Sometimearound56AD,theapostlePaulwrotetothechurchinRome.HeentrustedthislettertoPhoebe,whomhedescribesasthedeaconofthechurchatCenchreaeandapatro
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9780830852451
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9780830852451
誠品26碼 /
重量(g) / 408.2
裝訂 / P:平裝
頁數 / 320
語言 / 3:英文
級別 / N:無
尺寸 / 20.8X14.0X2.3CM
