The Water Princess | 誠品線上

The Water Princess

商品描述 The Water Princess:BasedonsupermodelGeorgieBadiel’schildhood,ayounggirldreamsofbringingcleandrinkingwatertoherAfricanvillageWithitswideskyandwarmearth,Princes


內容簡介 我是琪琪公主。我的王國在哪裡呢?非洲廣闊的天空,塵土飛楊的大地。而且有一天,還會潺潺流出冰涼和晶瑩清澈的水。總有一天……琪琪公主的王國有寬闊的天空和溫暖的大地,充滿了各種美麗的事物,但是在她居住的非洲小村莊,卻極度缺乏乾淨的飲用水,不管她怎麼命令,都沒有辦法讓水離她近一些;也沒有辦法讓水變得更乾淨。每天早晨,太陽還沒露臉,她就得起床,展開一段遙遠的旅程去井邊打水,然後在傍晚踏著夕陽餘暉回家,邊走邊想著明天又要繼續踏上的旅程。琪琪一直在作夢,夢想著有一天自己的村莊可以有清涼又乾淨的水。受到出身於布吉納法索的模特兒喬琪‧巴迪爾的童年故事所啟發,蘇珊‧維爾德和彼得‧雷諾茲共同創作了這本令人讚嘆的圖畫書。在「萊恩的水井」與「喬琪‧巴迪爾基金會」的協助之下,布吉納法索終於有乾淨的飲用水,讓琪琪的夢想成真了。----以上書介取自【道聲出版社《水公主: 喬琪.巴迪爾的真實故事》】Based on supermodel Georgie Badiel’s childhood, a young girl dreams of bringing clean drinking water to her African villageWith its wide sky and warm earth, Princess Gie Gie’s kingdom is a beautiful land. But clean drinking water is scarce in her small African village. And try as she might, Gie Gie cannot bring the water closer; she cannot make it run clearer. Every morning, she rises before the sun to make the long journey to the well. Instead of a crown, she wears a heavy pot on her head to collect the water. After the voyage home, after boiling the water to drink and clean with, Gie Gie thinks of the trip that tomorrow will bring. And she dreams. She dreams of a day when her village will have cool, crystal-clear water of its own.Inspired by the childhood of African–born model Georgie Badiel, acclaimed author Susan Verde and award-winning author illustrator Peter H. Reynolds have come together to tell this moving story. As a child in Burkina Faso, Georgie and the other girls in her village had to walk for miles each day to collect water. This vibrant, engaging picture book sheds light on this struggle that continues all over the world today, instilling hope for a future when all children will have access to clean drinking water.


書名 / The Water Princess
作者 /
簡介 / The Water Princess:BasedonsupermodelGeorgieBadiel’schildhood,ayounggirldreamsofbringingcleandrinkingwatertoherAfricanvillageWithitswideskyandwarmearth,Princes
ISBN13 / 9780399172588
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9780399172588
誠品26碼 / 2682398266008
頁數 / 40
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 24.8X25.1X1.0CM
級別 / N:無


最佳賣點 : 受到出身於布吉納法索的模特兒喬琪‧巴迪爾的童年故事所啟發,蘇珊‧維爾德和彼得‧雷諾茲共同創作了這本令人讚嘆的圖畫書。