Vietnamese: Simple Vietnamese Food to Cook at Home | 誠品線上

Vietnamese: Simple Vietnamese Food to Cook at Home

作者 Uyen Luu
出版社 Hardie Grant Books
商品描述 Vietnamese: Simple Vietnamese Food to Cook at Home:InVietnamese,UyenLuudemonstratesthatVietnamesefoodisjustaseasytowhipupasabowlofpasta–allyouneedisagoodbottl


內容簡介 Selected for Jamie Oliver's Cookbook Club In Vietnamese, Uyen Luu demonstrates that Vietnamese food is just as easy to whip up as a bowl of pasta – all you need is a good bottle of fish sauce and a little enthusiasm! Uyen shares over 85 of her tastiest recipes – some traditional, some with a modern twist – using ingredients that are available at your local supermarket. Recipes include noodle soups, salads, family-style sharing plates, one-pot wonders and dinner-party showstoppers, which are all easy to prepare, adapt and enjoy. The recipes are impressive yet simple: try the Crispy Roast Pork Belly; Sea Bass in Tomato, Celery & Dill Broth; or Fried Noodles & Greens. Vietnamese is filled with fuss-free, delicious recipes that are quick to prepare, and will have you eating Vietnamese meals on a regular basis.


作者介紹 Uyen Luu Uyen Luu is a food photographer and food stylist by day, and her work has been widely covered by mainstream press. She has been running a Vietnamese supper club since 2009, and also runs cooking classes. Uyen grew up in Hackney, London since her family moved there in the 80s as refugees. This is her second book.


書名 / Vietnamese: Simple Vietnamese Food to Cook at Home
作者 / Uyen Luu
簡介 / Vietnamese: Simple Vietnamese Food to Cook at Home:InVietnamese,UyenLuudemonstratesthatVietnamesefoodisjustaseasytowhipupasabowlofpasta–allyouneedisagoodbottl
出版社 / Hardie Grant Books
ISBN13 / 9781784884239
ISBN10 / 1784884235
EAN / 9781784884239
誠品26碼 / 2682086594000
頁數 / 224
注音版 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 25.5X19.9X2.7CM
級別 / N:無