Mad for Ads: How Advertising Gets (and Stays) in Our Heads | 誠品線上

Mad for Ads: How Advertising Gets (and Stays) in Our Heads

作者 Erica Fyvie
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Mad for Ads: How Advertising Gets (and Stays) in Our Heads:Thisamusingandengagingbehind-the-sceneslookatadvertisinganditsinfluencewillhelpkidsdecodetheadsthats


內容簡介 This amusing and engaging behind-the-scenes look at advertising and its influence will help kids decode the ads that surround them every day and make smart decisions. For children growing up in an advertising-saturated world, here's an eye-opening explanation of what advertising is, how it works and why that matters. The book covers the components of an advertising campaign, from slogans to logos, and the many ways marketers seek to influence behavior, from tapping into fears to using psychological pricing. It then brings these techniques and tools to life by taking readers through the creation of two fictional advertising plans. Along the way, there's information about the strategies that advertisers use to influence their audience, as well as valuable background on how digital technology allows companies to track people and what that means for privacy. It's a savvy look at the business of advertising that teaches children to pay better attention to ads and be more discerning about the messages they find. Award-winning author Erica Fyvie has geared this vital, comprehensive and entertaining look at advertising to children who are just beginning to notice and to be swayed by brands. By building media literacy and promoting critical thinking about all kinds of marketing tools -- from in-game ads to social media "kid influencers" -- the book empowers readers to analyze and respond to what they see every day. Relevant, child-friendly language and examples, along with bold and humorous illustrations by Ian Turner, keep the pages lively and interesting. There are direct curriculum links to language arts, visual arts, technology and social studies lessons. Also included are a glossary, index and selected bibliography.


作者介紹 Erica Fyvie has worked as an academic editor and writer and has written for magazines and blogs. She is also the author of Trash Revolution, which won a Green Earth Book Award and was nominated for a Red Maple Award, the Norma Fleck Award and a Lane Anderson Award, among others. She lives in Toronto, Ontario.


書名 / Mad for Ads: How Advertising Gets (and Stays) in Our Heads
作者 / Erica Fyvie
簡介 / Mad for Ads: How Advertising Gets (and Stays) in Our Heads:Thisamusingandengagingbehind-the-sceneslookatadvertisinganditsinfluencewillhelpkidsdecodetheadsthats
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9781525301315
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781525301315
誠品26碼 /
重量(g) / 453.6
裝訂 / H:精裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 25.4X21.3X1.3CM
頁數 / 64
級別 / N:無
