Raising Pigs: The Ultimate Guide to Pig Raising on Your Homestead | 誠品線上

Raising Pigs: The Ultimate Guide to Pig Raising on Your Homestead

作者 Dion Rosser
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 Raising Pigs: The Ultimate Guide to Pig Raising on Your Homestead:Haveyoualwayswantedtoraisepigsbutdidn'tknowwheretobegin?Doyouwanttoknowhowtoturnyourpigfarmin


內容簡介 Have you always wanted to raise pigs but didn't know where to begin? Do you want to know how to turn your pig farm into a profitable business? Look no further! Whether you're about to buy your first pig or you already have a pig farm, this guide is a must-have.By reading this book you will: Learn why pig farming is more than just producing meat.Discover the various types of pigs and which pig will best suit your needs.How to build proper housing and fencing for your pigs.Learn what your pigs need and how to care for them properly.Learn the nutritional needs of pigs and how to feed them well.Master the art of pig reproduction and breeding.Discover various ways to care for your newborn piglets.Do you like meat? Get tips on how to safely and humanly butcher your pig at home.Twelve tips to turn your pig farm into a booming business.This book is a revolutionary tool to help both new and seasoned farmers. This book features new perspectives on pig farming that will help the modern farmer. It has hands-on methods and instructions using easy to understand language. Grab a copy today and learn how to raise healthy pigs at home.


書名 / Raising Pigs: The Ultimate Guide to Pig Raising on Your Homestead
作者 / Dion Rosser
簡介 / Raising Pigs: The Ultimate Guide to Pig Raising on Your Homestead:Haveyoualwayswantedtoraisepigsbutdidn'tknowwheretobegin?Doyouwanttoknowhowtoturnyourpigfarmin
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9781954029323
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781954029323
誠品26碼 /
裝訂 / H:精裝
頁數 / 126
級別 / N:無
重量(g) / 340.2
尺寸 / 22.9X15.2X1.0CM
語言 / 3:英文
