You're Not Crazy - It's Your Mother: Understanding and Healing for Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers | 誠品線上

You're Not Crazy - It's Your Mother: Understanding and Healing for Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers

作者 Danu Morrigan
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 You're Not Crazy - It's Your Mother: Understanding and Healing for Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers:Doyoufindyourselffeelingemotionallybruised,upset,andconfus


內容簡介 Do you find yourself feeling emotionally bruised, upset, and confused after being in contact with your mother? Are you left doubting yourself--even feeling crazy--as she remembers some incidents totally differently than you remember them, and denies that other events even happened? Does it seem she gets frustrated, angry, or upset when good things happen in your life? Does she seem happy and energized if you have a problem or crisis? Round and round go your feelings, emotions, and half-formed thoughts, till you think you must truly be crazy. And you still end up emotionally bruised, confused, and hurt. If this resonates with you, it is possible that your mother has narcissistic personality disorder. You're Not Crazy--It's Your Mother explains what NPD is, and what it means for you and your self. This book will help you undertake a journey of recognition and recovery: of moving on, healing, and claiming your own self as the wonderful, vibrant woman you really are.


書名 / You're Not Crazy - It's Your Mother: Understanding and Healing for Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers
作者 / Danu Morrigan
簡介 / You're Not Crazy - It's Your Mother: Understanding and Healing for Daughters of Narcissistic Mothers:Doyoufindyourselffeelingemotionallybruised,upset,andconfus
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9781506462158
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781506462158
誠品26碼 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
頁數 / 250
級別 / N:無
語言 / 3:英文
頁數 / 181
尺寸 / 21.6X14.0X1.5CM
