You Turn: Get Unstuck, Discover Your Direction, and Design Your Dream Career | 誠品線上

別做熱愛的事, 要做真實的自己: 一本重新思考人生與工作的改變之書

作者 艾希莉.史塔爾
出版社 Penguin Random House LLC
商品描述 You Turn: Get Unstuck, Discover Your Direction, and Design Your Dream Career:世界級職涯教練、《富比士》專欄作家艾希莉‧史塔爾《別做熱愛的事,要做真實的自己:一本


內容簡介 世界級職涯教練、《富比士》專欄作家帶你追求最理想的職涯,做真實的自己« TEDx影片合計觀看人次超過700萬次«« 職涯線上課程全球超過31個國家、50萬人訂閱«她如何從一個小小的廣告助理,成為美國五角大廈的專案主管?又是什麼樣的契機,讓她開創了營業額500萬美金的網路事業?正當她以為走上成功人生道路時,卻因錯誤的決策,導致公司倒閉。她的人生還有翻轉的機會嗎?艾希莉原本是一個沒沒無聞的25歲女孩,剛從倫敦國王學院研究所名校畢業的她,運用高超的人脈建立技巧,一舉從助理攀升成為五角大廈反恐主管。然而她卻發現,在國防部的每一天都讓她度日如年。一次演習意外,身心俱疲的她決心辭職返鄉。就在此時,發現自己的天賦,決心投入網路授課事業。短時間內年營業額竟高達500萬美金!這下,年輕的她,白富美,站在人生高峰上。但她每天睡不到幾小時,也忘記自己身處何處。一個思慮不周的決策,艾希莉的事業迅速垮台,她不但房子被查封、車子、名牌包淪為拍賣,團隊即將解散,全身上下負債累累……然而,現在的她不但兩度登上全世界最知名的TEDx舞台演講!《富比士》邀請她開設職涯專欄,《華爾街日報》、CBS、《華盛頓郵報》、《芝加哥論壇報》等媒體爭相報導她。艾希莉從谷底崛起,她已是世界知名千禧世代職涯訓練專家。到底,她發現了什麼人生真義,又做對了什麼?為什麼,她總是能抓緊人生轉彎的方向盤,在每次巨變後,還能再創巔峰?《富比士》職涯專欄作家要告訴你,11個人生轉向超前思惟:第1項:了解核心本質在最自然的狀態下,你會把什麼樣的能量帶進某個地方;它也反映出別人對你的感受。這些專屬於你的能量通常可以歸納成四到六個詞。第2項:發掘核心技能輕鬆就能施展出來而且做得比其他人好的技能,每個人都會有一個主要技能跟一個次要技能。第3項:解鎖金錢藍圖對金錢的潛在意識,將會主導在職涯上的選擇,例如,不想賺大錢,因為深怕會感到孤單或疏離。或是,如果成為事業成功的女強人,可能毀了婚姻。這些你未曾察覺到的微小思維,將會阻止你追求成功。第7項:學習將「對話」轉變成「機會」不管是流浪漢,還是美國中情局長,亦或是酒吧裡共享一個漢堡的市長候選人,艾希莉都能快速交上朋友,並得到對方全力的協助。她說:「對話是產生魔力的地方,能為你帶來無限機會。」第8項:了解如何打造完美的電梯簡報4步驟「故事、即興吹噓、技能和目標」,教你成功引起對方注意,讓人實際採取行動幫助你,艾希莉成功用這方法拿到了國際事務所的實習機會!第10項:一步步打造「個人品牌」讓自己大量曝光,藉此培養觀眾和可信度。這部分將教你用推特、LinkedIn、Podcast、IG,甚至媒體為自己宣傳。艾希莉透過這方法,成功讓自己登上TEDx演講舞台,而且還兩次!這是一個年輕女孩如何找到真實自我,邁向幸福人生的故事。這也是一本讓你重新思考人生與工作的改變之書。【好評推薦】「幫助你在職場中發掘個人職業生涯的終極指南。」——戴蒙‧強(Daymond John),《紐約時報》暢銷書《一無所有的力量》(The Power of Broke)作者「艾希莉為你的職涯規畫提供可操作的工具,再加上她的思維輔導和心理學專業知識,使她擅長引導任何想要尋求明確職涯方向的人!她是這個領域的權威。」 ——尼古拉‧皮金(Nicola Pidgeon),商業教練、正向心理學家,《此刻正是你的機會》(Now is Your Chance)作者「沒有什麼事比缺乏成就感的職場更令人痛苦,也沒有什麼事比有價值的事業更令人滿足。艾希莉‧史塔爾是完美的嚮導,可以幫助你找到渴望的工作滿足感。」——吉娜‧德維(Gina DeVee),《大膽成為女王》(Audacity to Be Queen)作者「創造獨特的人生始於你的健康,而健康有一部分歸結於你在工作中的滿足感……本書可以幫助你達到那個境界。」 ——馬克斯‧盧加維爾(Max Lugavere),《紐約時報》暢銷書《超級大腦飲食計畫》(Genius Foods)作者本中文書介出自《別做熱愛的事, 要做真實的自己: 一本重新思考人生與工作的改變之書》商業周出版NATIONAL INDIE EXCELLENCE AWARDS FINALIST — CAREERIf you're thinking about buying this book, it's probably because it feels like something's missing in your career.Guess what? It could be YOU.Whether you're living for the weekends or counting the minutes until 5 pm every day, life is too short to wish it away because you feel stuck in your job. The good news is that you have the power to stop living on autopilot and turn your career around. "Follow your passion, " "find your purpose, " and "do what you love " have joined the parade of bland directives that aren't doing much to actually help you figure out what you're meant to do with your career. Instead, they only create more confusion. If all we had to do is "follow our bliss " . . . why aren't we blissful yet? The truth is, the best career is not one where you only do what you love, but one where you honor who you are.In You Turn, counterterrorism professional turned career coach Ashley Stahl shares the strategies she's used to help thousands ditch their Monday blues, get clarity on what work lights them up, and devise an action plan to create a career they love.This book gives readers access to Stahl's coveted 11-step roadmap that has guided thousands of coaching clients in 31 countries to self-discovery and success. Throughout her process, you'll: • Discover your Core Skillset. Uncover your gifts and talents to create an intentional career path that's fulfilling and aligned with who you are—and what you're good at. • Understand your "Inner Money Blueprint. " Discover the root of your money mindset, and how to break free of financial limitation. • Clarify your Core Interests. Identify the difference between a passion, gift, and calling so you can get clear on what's meant to be a hobby-and what's meant to be a career! • Become your own coach. Walk away with a unique set of tools for staying true to your best self in times of stress, frustration, or anxiety.Whether you're considering a career pivot, or just curious about what else is possible for you, it's time to make a "you turn "—to get unstuck, discover your true self, and thrive (not just survive) in your career."


作者介紹 Ashley Stahl is a counterterrorism professional turned highly sought-after career coach, Forbes blogger, and author on a mission to help job seekers step into a career that lights them up. As a creative writer, modern-day entrepreneur, and content creator, more than 516,000 job seekers have subscribed to Ashley's free trainings, while her online courses have helped thousands of job seekers in 31 countries with unlocking their best career fit, landing job offers, and upgrading their confidence.


書名 / You Turn: Get Unstuck, Discover Your Direction, and Design Your Dream Career
作者 / 艾希莉.史塔爾
簡介 / You Turn: Get Unstuck, Discover Your Direction, and Design Your Dream Career:世界級職涯教練、《富比士》專欄作家艾希莉‧史塔爾《別做熱愛的事,要做真實的自己:一本
出版社 / Penguin Random House LLC
ISBN13 / 9781950665693
ISBN10 / 1950665690
EAN / 9781950665693
誠品26碼 / 2682118689001
頁數 / 320
注音版 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
語言 / 3:英文
尺寸 / 22.9X15.2X2.5CM
級別 / N:無
重量(g) / 340.2
