A Wild Love for the World: Joanna Macy and the Work of Our Time | 誠品線上

A Wild Love for the World: Joanna Macy and the Work of Our Time

作者 Joanna Macy
出版社 Ingram International Inc
商品描述 A Wild Love for the World: Joanna Macy and the Work of Our Time:JoannaMacyisascholarofBuddhism,systemsthinking,anddeepecologywhosedecadesofwriting,teaching,and


內容簡介 Joanna Macy is a scholar of Buddhism, systems thinking, and deep ecology whose decades of writing, teaching, and activism have inspired people around the world. In this collection of writings, leading spiritual teachers, deep ecologists, and diverse writers and activists explore the major facets of Macy's lifework. Combined with eleven pieces from Macy herself, the result is a rich chorus of wisdom and compassion to support the work of our time. "Being fully present to fear, to gratitude, to all that is--this is the practice of mutual belonging. As living members of the living body of Earth, we are grounded in that kind of belonging. Even when faced with cataclysmic changes, nothing can ever separate us from Earth. We are already home."-- Joanna Macy To learn more, visit www.joannamacy.net.


作者介紹 STEPHANIE KAZA is Professor Emerita of Environmental Studies at the University of Vermont. A leading voice in Buddhism and ecology, her most recent book is Green Buddhism: Practice and Compassionate Action in Uncertain Times. To learn more, visit www.stephaniekaza.com. JOANNA MACY, PhD, teacher and author, is a scholar of Buddhism, systems thinking, and deep ecology. As the root teacher of the Work That Reconnects, Macy has created a groundbreaking framework for personal and social change that brings a new way of seeing the world as our larger body. Her many books include World as Lover, World as Self; Widening Circles, A Memoir; Active Hope: How to Face the Mess We're in without Going Crazy; and Coming Back to Life: The Updated Guide to the Work That Reconnects. Macy received a BA from Wellesley College in 1950 and a PhD in Religion from Syracuse University in 1978. She continues to write and teach in Berkeley, California. Her most recent book is A Wild Love for the World: Joanna Macy and the Work of Our Times (ed. Stephanie Kaza). To learn more, visit www.joannamacy.net.


書名 / A Wild Love for the World: Joanna Macy and the Work of Our Time
作者 / Joanna Macy
簡介 / A Wild Love for the World: Joanna Macy and the Work of Our Time:JoannaMacyisascholarofBuddhism,systemsthinking,anddeepecologywhosedecadesofwriting,teaching,and
出版社 / Ingram International Inc
ISBN13 / 9781611807950
ISBN10 /
EAN / 9781611807950
誠品26碼 /
裝訂 / P:平裝
頁數 / 416
語言 / 3:英文
重量(g) / 567.0
級別 / N:無
尺寸 / 22.6X15.2X2.8CM
